How the Council on Foreign Relations Controls the Media Kissinger Calls For 'Order Out of Chaos' 'Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger has repeated his routine call for a new international political order, stating that global crises should be seen as an opportunity to move toward a borderless world where national interests are outweighed by global necessities. Speaking with Charlie Rose earlier this week, Kissinger cited the chaos being wrought across the globe by the financial crisis and the spread of terrorism as an opportunity to bolster a new global order.' This is a must-read story if you want to know the direction that Obama administration will take America and the world (also see my article at the top of the page). What Kissinger says here is what Obama will seek to do. Belgian Government Collapses Over Fortis Affair 'Belgium's government collapsed on friday after a top court found signs that it had sought to sway a legal ruling on the future of stricken bank Fortis.' Councils Dumping Recyclables In Landfills 'Up to 200,000 tonnes of recyclable waste was dumped last year with some councils failing to recycle over 10 per cent of glass, paper, plastic and other materials left out by conscientious homeowners. The amount dumped this year is expected to rise sharply as councils struggle to sell recyclable waste during the economic downturn. The disclosure will anger millions of British families, many of whom are being forced to sort their waste into five different waste bins - including new "food slop" containers - to allow it to be recycled.'
Saturday, 20 December 2008
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Britannia Radio