If I tend to focus on the Telegraph this is because it seems the only
paper to have fully grasped the enormity of the crisis that faces
Britain and the uniqueness of Britain's position compared with all
other major economies. For instance the FT today is focussing on the
international aspects and of "A crisis of global finance needs a
coherent international response." No other country went into the
crisis so little-prepared and so complacent about the future. Other
countries had built up reserves in the good years to provide today's
cushion .
The policies Brown is pursuing are all designed to stave off the
worst until after he can call an election, and his remedies are
useless but politically shrewd. The saver is expendable, the banks
can be bullied, debts can run up, those who have over-borrowed are to
be rescued. It might work for him, except the pace of collapse
gathers speed daily. In any case, one day all this will have to be
paid for. I fear for social stability as the young, burdened with
educational debts, find themselves jobless and without hope.
I have been calling on the Tories to promise severe cuts in
government expenditure on major projects and listed some. They don't
seem to be living in the real world though, and continue with their
'business-as-usual' attitude. But meanwhile the pet socialist,
totalitarian projects seem, sacrosanct, while today we learn that it
will be defence - of all things - that will first feel the axe
(aircraft carriers, armoured vehicles etc)
The Times majors on Brown forcing banks to cut rates to borrowers but
fails to point out that such threats are counter-productive as, if
they do, they will have to cut rates to savers, and, if they do
that, they will have no money to lend! All the time the money that
the taxpayer has put into the banks is costing the banks 12 percent -
no less - 12%.. At what rate could they possibly lend that money to
anyone? The government seems to want them to do it at 2% - sheer
The most likely outcome of this slump will be - as I suggested last
night, the injection of cash directly into the economy - see last
main posting below.
Fasten your seat belts and tighten them too. It's going to be a very
rough ride.
PS US employers axed 533,000 jobs in November, the biggest monthly
cut in 35 years, the US Labor Department said.
1. Interest rate cuts: Deflation harms everyone
By Philip Booth
Deflation means that the pound in your pocket is worth more each
year. In an earlier age, deflation was regarded as benign at worst.
For a couple of hundred years before 1946, moderate deflation would
occur over long periods of improving productivity. It was often
associated with the good times.
It is easy to see why. The purchasing power of people's incomes
increased; people could take out life insurance policies knowing that
if the sum assured paid for a funeral at today's prices, it would pay
for their funeral when they died; and businesses and individuals
could sign contracts spanning the generations knowing that inflation
would not lead to either party losing out.
Indeed, the economy can work better in a period of gentle deflation.
If the price of housing rises for example, when prices in general are
falling, we get an unambiguous signal that housing costs are
increasing relative to other costs and that we should think about
economising on housing. At a time when all prices are going up, it is
difficult to work out what is going on in the marketplace.
Sadly, those days are past and we now have an economy that has
adapted to inflation. The pound has had 97 per cent shaved off its
purchasing power since 1946 and the Bank of England has a statutory
mandate to target positive inflation, year after year.
A severe and unexpected deflation at any time can have serious
consequences, but the consequences will be worse for an economy that
has adapted to inflation. What could happen in practice if prices
suddenly fell by (say) 10 per cent next year?
Deflation would mean that financial obligations of individuals,
governments and businesses would rise in real terms (ie, in
purchasing power terms). For example, if an employer expected to pay
a salary of £100, the purchasing power of that £100 would rise to £110.
Prices have fallen, so a given sum of money is worth more. This is a
bonus for the employee, but a disaster for the employer who is
selling goods and services at lower prices and still facing the same
wage bill.
Unless wages adjust rapidly, the cost of employment rises and people
are laid off - this was one of the reasons for the unemployment of
the Great Depression.
The story does not end here. Tax revenues will fall - the link is
obvious in the case of consumption taxes such as VAT. But government
spending will probably not fall. Will the Government be able to
reduce public sector wages and social security payments to match the
fall in prices?
It is highly unlikely. The more regulated and unionised the labour
market, the worse these effects are, as employers and employees find
it more difficult to change contracts and reduce wages and other
The real value of debts also rises, so individuals and companies find
it more difficult to service and repay their debts, especially if
interest rates on those debts were fixed at high levels before the
period of deflation began.
If deflation does not cripple companies because of its effects on the
level of their debts, then their pension liabilities will probably
cripple them instead. Many pensions are linked to rising prices but
not to falling prices.
Indeed, this is all reminiscent of what happened after the Berlin
Wall fell. Helmut Kohl foolishly decided to give East Germans one
Deutschemark for every Ostmark. All very nice - unless your debts
were in Ostmarks, in which case you suddenly owed a lot more. Jobs
were decimated.
Pensioners will also suffer from falling interest rates. A bout of
deflation probably means a period of zero interest rates. This is not
an enticing prospect for those relying on their savings to provide
them with an income, though at least the purchasing power of their
capital will rise.
So, what do we do? Inflation is a disease of money (too much).
Deflation is a disease of money too (not enough). Just as the Bank of
England should not have allowed monetary growth to get out of control
in the boom, it must not allow severe monetary contraction either.
The Bank of England is reducing interest rates to try to stop
deflation happening. But what happens when interest rates hit zero or
if reducing interest rates has little effect? [It will have NO effect-
There are other ways of increasing the quantity of money. As Milton
Friedman suggested, banknotes could be dropped from a helicopter if
necessary. Ben Bernanke, Mervyn King's equivalent in America, is
considering less crude but potentially equally effective ways of
directly influencing monetary policy - we should do the same here.
The Government's so-called fiscal stimulus, on which so much energy
was expended, will be useless at best. The Government is piling its
own debt on over-indebted households and promises a whacking great
tax increase in a couple of years' time. Instead, energy should be
focused on monetary policy.
But Gordon Brown has made this all much more difficult by his reforms
to the Bank of England in 1997-98. The Bank has the responsibility
for preventing deflation, but Mr Brown gave many of the instruments
that can be used to achieve this to an agency of the Treasury.
This dismembering of the Bank of England caused chaos when the
authorities tried to "co-operate" during the Northern Rock affair. I
hope that co-ordination to avoid deflation, if it proves necessary,
works better: the stakes are high.
. Professor Philip Booth is editorial and programme director at the
Institute of Economic Affairs
2. Bank of England cuts rates, but will it do any good?
Posted By: Edmund Conway
It's a weird and wonderful world we're living in when a one
percentage point cut in interest rates is considered the bare minimum
the Bank of England should do in one month without scaring the hell
out of everybody. But that is undoubtedly where we are today - and
things will get weirder still in the coming months.
Having dropped to 2pc there seems little doubt that at some point
before the end of the winter they will have to be slashed that one
step further, according Mervyn King the dubious distinction of
presiding over the lowest interest rates since the advent of British
central banking.
Was the decision the right one? I am rather dubious about how the
amount of difference a 100 basis point cut will have in comparison to
a 75bp reduction. Either way, rates would still have been more than 2
per cent lower than they were little over a month ago. When you add
that onto the fall in the pound during the same timescale, that's a
serious amount of monetary stimulus.
However, inasmuch as a 100bp cut will keep the markets from sheer
panic, it has to go down as the right move. Indeed, far from falling
further as it dawned on markets that rates now equal the level they
plumbed to in the wake of the Great Depression, the pound actually
rose following the decision.
The economy is deteriorating at a speed and with a vigour we have
rarely ever seen. Anyone who was in doubt that the housing market is
suffering a crash of monumental proportions should take a look at the
house price inflation figures from the Halifax today. They show
prices dropped by 2.6pc in November - the biggest monthly collapse
ever - and are down by more than 16pc from the peak last autumn.
Worse still, prices will surely fall much further in the coming
months as panic selling really takes hold against a background of
soaring redundancies nationwide.
The news from the wider economy is just as stark. Both the
manufacturing and services sectors are in the grip of an
unprecedented dip in activity, and profits are in freefall.
Unemployment is rising sharply and the question is no longer about
whether Britain is facing a recession, or even a virulent recession,
but whether this will turn into a long-lasting depression.
The Bank of England is alive to these issues, and its decision to
slash rates in November and then again today undoubtedly signals that
it is prepared to do whatever it takes to prevent such an outcome.
Admittedly it took its time to adapt to this, and was still talking
about the risk of inflation back in August, when in fact it was
becoming blindingly obvious that the UK was heading for an inherently
deflationary recession. But, as they say, better late than never.
However, it is becoming increasingly clear that as much as lower
interest rates will help some households, they are not the silver
bullet many had been holding out for.
The problem with the UK economy goes significantly deeper. It goes
back to the fact that consumers borrowed too much over the past
decade, [Those who didn't over-borrow are now expected to bail out
those who did! -cs] and are now left facing a monumental debt
hangover. Had this been the only issue, the current crisis would not
have been as nasty, but on top of this was the fact that banks also
became reliant on cash borrowed from overseas - a flow which has now
dried up.
None of this means that the Bank should have shied from further cuts.
Just because you haven't yet fixed the leak doesn't mean you should
refuse to mop up the mess it's creating. And many families will be
saved from insolvency by these cuts.
But something more needs to be done. The statement issued by the Bank
alongside the decision today said: "conditions in money and credit
markets remain extremely difficult. The Committee noted that it was
unlikely that a normal volume of lending would be restored without
further measures."
Those "further measures" are just as likely to refer to more direct
Treasury/BoE action to shore up banks' balance sheets or more
guarantees on mortgage lending as to interest rate cuts.
In short, much to everybody's horror, these rate cuts are not proving
as effective as we hoped
==============AND --->
3. (Leader) Interest rate cut by Bank of England is no cause for
The last time the base rate stood at 2 per cent was in 1951 and it
has never been lower since the foundation of the Bank of England at
the end of the 17th century.
This in itself tells us several things. First, that monetary policy
has been appallingly handled in recent years. Interest rates were
held too low for too long, fuelling a credit and housing boom that
left the country deeply in debt. Then they were held too high for too
long, even though it was apparent that deflation, not inflation, was
the looming problem.
Second, the scale of the cuts - from 4.5 per cent to 2 per cent in
the space of a month - confirms that the Bank is seriously worried
about the depth of the recession. It has good reason to be, judging
by the latest figures showing house prices plunging at record speed
and new car sales down by more than one third.
The rate cut was welcomed by hard-pressed businesses and home buyers
hoping that the lower costs will be passed on. Given the political
pressures they are under, lenders will try to oblige, but they also
have savers, who are being hit especially hard by the decline in
their returns, to consider.
Indeed, anyone who thinks that continued rate cuts are a panacea, or
are likely to kick-start the economy, will be disappointed. Arguably,
they might stop things getting worse, but only if the Government acts
far more radically than it has so far.
Twelve days ago, it had the opportunity in the pre-Budget report to
set out a coherent strategy for dealing with the recession, but
singularly failed to take it seriously enough. The 2.5 per cent cut
in VAT was a trifle that will fail to arrest the collapse in consumer
We are looking at unprecedented levels of national indebtedness over
the next few years and yet the Government refuses to do the one thing
that most people would consider a priority: to rein in its own
spending - not on productive, front-line services, but the
unproductive, wasteful variety that has financed the country's
biggest peacetime job-creation exercise.
This recession is going to rival that of the 1980s [It will be much
worse, because it is taking place against a global recession in which
Britain is the worst-placed major economy -cs] , when three million
were on the dole. This time, though, those made redundant will not be
in uncompetitive nationalised industries whose demise made way for an
economic revival; they will be in the productive private sector,
which will be far harder to rebuild.
Thursday's interest rate cut may help to prevent some bankruptcies
and avert some house repossessions, but at the cost of leaving savers
high and dry and making it harder for the Government to finance its
onerous borrowings.
Further rate cuts would exacerbate this problem, without necessarily
having the desired effect on the economy. That is the nature of the
mess we are in: there is no corrective measure that will not bring
pain as well as gain.
=========AND ----->
4. Bank of England mulls "nuclear option" of cash injection
The Bank of England is working on radical plans to inject cash
directly into the economy - the nuclear option to be used only when
interest rates approach zero.
By Edmund Conway, Economics Editor
In what would be a major departure for British monetary policy, the
Bank is considering pressing the button on printing presses by
engaging in a so-called policy of quantitative easing. It emerged
after the Monetary Policy Committee cut borrowing costs by 1pc to
just 2pc - the lowest level since 1951.
In the statement published alongside its decision, the Bank warned
that "it was unlikely that a normal volume of [bank] lending would be
restored without further measures."
The measures under consideration include direct purchases of assets,
such as government debt or commercial investments, by the Bank or the
Treasury, as well as expanding the Bank's balance sheet, a means of
pumping extra cash into the banking sector.
The radical proposals, which are currently being explored by Bank
experts, could be put into action within weeks, although they would
have to be vetted by the Treasury, which is thought to remain
sceptical. The main obstacle is that the policy could be found to
conflict with European Union laws on how governments manage their
However, added weight was given to the proposals by European Central
Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet, who seemed to hint in the press
conference to announce the ECB's 75 basis point rate cut yesterday
that it may also consider "nuclear options".
"We will look at what is necessary at any period of time," he said.
"If new decisions are needed, we will take new decisions."
If the plans do go ahead it would be the first time since the 1970s
that the Bank of England has effectively attempted to target the
volume of cash in the economy, by using its balance sheet, rather
than the price of money through interest rates.
The news underlines the fact that despite having slashed rates from
5pc this year, and put around £500bn of money behind schemes aimed at
kick-starting the mortgage lending market, it has failed to arrest
the financial crisis.
Danny Gabay of Fathom Consulting said: "There has been a seismic
shift at the Bank of England. I think [quantitative easing] is a
natural progression from where we've got to now. The Bank has reached
a tipping-point with interest rates. With a target rate for inflation
of 2pc, this cut means that real interest rates are now at zero.
"It's quite sensible for them to start thinking about what other
things to do. The easiest thing that they could do is to under-fund
the fiscal deficit."
This would involve using the Ways and Means bank account at the Bank
to buy government securities and would, in effect, amount to printing
cash. In normal times such a move would be highly inflationary, but
with the UK facing deflation next year such a plan is now thought to
be valid.
A number of other central banks, including the Riksbank in Sweden,
the Danish central bank and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand also
slashed rates as the global economic slowdown took hold.
With experts speculating that the MPC might contemplate another 1.5pc
cut, the pound dropped sharply ahead of the decision, but it later
recovered to close down 1.32 cents at $1.4690 against the dollar.
Halifax reported that house prices dropped by 2.6pc in November
alone, while the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders announced
that new car sales plummeted at the fastest rate since 1980. The
total number of new car registrations last month was 100,333 - down
36.8pc on last year's level.
Tory Comments
World At One, Radio 4 at 13:25
Government must renegotiate failed rescue package, says Osborne
George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor
Mr Osborne said that the lack of lending and credit proved that the
government's bank rescue package had failed.
He said: "A, the credit is not flowing and many small businesses and
medium businesses are struggling...and B, the rate cuts are not being
passed on in full." [There's no much sign of any sophisticated
thinking there or any appreciation of the nature of the problem -cs]
He added: "The government needs to swallow its pride and accept that
its bank rescue package is not working as intended."
Mr Osborne said that rhetorical threats against the banks were not
enough and that the solution was to renegotiate the bank bailout.
"It's all very well for Gordon Brown, on a regular basis now, to get
on a soap box and shout at the banks but it's not having the intended
effect, it's not getting credit flowing again," he said.
He continued: "We need to look again at the terms of the
recapitalisation, accept that it isn't working and fix it so it does."
A national loan guarantee scheme was one measure that was needed, he
"We need a national loan guarantee scheme, so that the government is
underwriting lending, this kind of radical monetary policy is what is
needed to pull this economy out of a recession that many say will now
be the deepest in the world."
Daily Politics, BBC 2 at 12:15
Government speaking with a "forked tongue" on bank lending, says Redwood
John Redwood, Conservative MP
Mr Redwood said the government was "speaking with a forked tongue" on
bank lending. He said that the government was on the one hand
reassuring customers that the money was there to lend, but on the
other its regulators were warning the banks they needed to save to
recapitalise themselves.
But he conceded: "Of course people are going to get very cross with
nationalised banks or banks where there's a big shareholder stake."
Asked for the first policy he would adopt if Chancellor, he said:
"The first thing I would do is address that very issue, that banks
aren't getting that money and savers need a decent return on their
Mr Redwood criticised the government for expecting banks to lend more
despite the 12% interest rate placed on them.
And he added that the government needed to end: "The money-go-round
in which the banks lend to the government who give the money back to
the banks."
Friday, 5 December 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio