Is A Flu Pandemic Imminent?
Every year when flu season rolls around the public is barraged with news stories about the reasons to get a flu shot. This year is no different. From coast to coast the headlines are blaring “Get Your Shot!” Within the past few months the CDC even lowered the recommended age for the flu shot to children as young as six months old. Basically, that means they think that just about everyone in the country should get the shot except for newborns in order to stay well......
by Greg Ciola
The Big Shock Of 2008: Who Needs Whom?
Now, tens of millions have their wake-up call and shock, and now come to understand that not only will government be unable to protect you on so many levels, but that they are unwilling, and even stubbornly refuse to do the job for which they were hired: protecting our rights in the derivation of just powers from the Sovereign. Where do we go from here?........
by John Longenecker
Barack Obama and The Weathermen
Since just before the election of Barack Obama in November, it has been interesting and quite shocking that a forty-year old, seemingly forgotten radical group called “Weatherman” is getting so much attention. Of course, Obama denies any connection to old Weathermen. Here’s a quick history of the “Weathermen” and why it’s relevant to a new president calling for an undefined “change.”.......
by Tom DeWeese
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
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Britannia Radio