Labour Planning Secret Tax on 'Nice Houses' 'Tax inspectors have divided England into 10,000 new "localities" with each neighbourhood ranked on the socio-economic class of its residents and environmental factors such as crime and traffic levels.The inspectors have even purchased demographic data disclosing how many company executives, pensioners or students live in particular streets, The Daily Telegraph has learned. This has been collated on a secret database which is being used to assess the desirability of neighbourhoods to help determine council tax bills if Labour wins power again at the next election.' Journalists Worry 'Big Brother Law' Will Kill Press Freedom 'A new law working its way toward passage in Germany has journalists worried. Certain provisions, they say, could eliminate the ability for reporters to protect their sources. Still, the measure is likely to go into effect early next year. It has been called the "Big Brother" law in the German media due to its provisions allowing online and telephone surveillance. The Interior Ministry in Berlin describes it as a necessary step to protect the country from the dangers of international terrorism.'
Friday, 26 December 2008
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Britannia Radio