Maitreya Rising?
What I find fascinating is that this Maitreya fellow seems to have a strangely similar "share and save the world" agenda to that of Purpose Driven Pastor Rick Warren with his Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan and also President-elect Barack Obama with his Global Poverty Act and Universal Service Plan – men who apparently have no aversion to working with any or all of the world religions or non-religions to save the planet – which may explain, at least in part, why Warren is scheduled to lead the invocation at Obama’s upcoming inauguration........
Paul Proctor
Pro-Homosexual Media Going Bankrupt
Before Newsweek created a controversy with its laughably absurd cover story that the Bible supports homosexual marriage, lame duck President George W. Bush declared in an interview with Cynthia McFadden of ABC News that he doesn’t believe the Bible to be the literal word of God. So Adam and Eve could just as easily be Adam and Steve? We needed a follow-up from McFadden......
by Cliff Kincaid
Subverting the Word of God
Since we live in a free country liberals have the right to say whatever they want to about Christianity. Moreover, they’re free to demonize Christians and criticize them for having what they perceive as Stone Age moral values. Progressives have the freedom to make bogus claims in regards to what the Bible does and does not teach on a whole host of subjects, including homosexuality. And they have a perfect right to promote tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. But do they have the right to lie about and try to silence those who disagree with them?.......
by Marsha West
Shame on Politicians For Imposing Endless Fees & Taxes
Shame on Politicians and other leaders for increasing endless fees and taxes in a national recession/depression! Gov. Paterson’s actions in New York are but a snap shot of what is to come with Obama. More Government control, more environment worship; less freedom, and less morality based on our Christian heritage. Fasten your seat belts and prepare yourself. Change is coming!.......
by Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D
Friday, 19 December 2008
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Britannia Radio