Monday, 8 December 2008

Make this an American Christmas
Hard to believe another year is almost over. 2008 has been a tragedy for our republic. So many have suffered and sadly, it's going to get so much worse beginning early next year. While Christmas is just another "holiday" for millions, it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ by Christians world wide. While I am one of those who believes Jesus was not born on December 25th, tradition through out the world sets aside that day to celebrate his birth.......
by Devvy Kidd

In the Shadow of Nemesis
As this commentary is being written, the latest runaround in the judicial flim-flam of “who lacks ‘standing’ to demand production of Barack Obama’s original Hawaiian birth certificate (if one actually exists)” has just taken place. According to a newspaper report, Hawaiian Judge Bert Ayabe has dismissed a suit filed by one Andy Martin, on the ground that Martin “does not have a direct and tangible interest in the vital statistic records being sought, namely the birth certificate of President Obama.”.......
by Dr. Edwin Vieira, JD, Ph.D

Obama Wants a Climate Czar...
Former Vice President Al Gore had quite a year. He produced an Oscar-winning film warning of the coming global warming Armageddon. The film and his activism led to a Nobel Prize. Flush from those victories, Gore "took the Hill," as he testified before a hushed hearing room in his old Senate haunt, predicting more dire consequences if global warming isn’t stopped. All of that was followed by mass rallies across the nation, with energized college students; editorials and magazine covers, and even legislation in Congress to curtail the use of carbon fuels.......
by Tom DeWeese

Ideas for Change in America: Enforce Our Immigration Laws
Never in the history of the world has one country, the United States of America, absorbed so many immigrants from around the world­into the tens of millions. However, no other country ever tolerated or survived over 20 million ILLegal alien migrants like the U.S. in the past 20 years. Finally, U.S. citizens find their country filled up, out of water, lacking energy and suffering unsolvable problems........
by Frosty Wooldridge