Monday, 8 December 2008

Monday, 08 December 2008

The British Constitutional Conference January 24th 2009 Stoke

The final details for the rally/conference in support of our constitution andcommon law, being organised by Roger Hayes, are as follows;-

Date - 24th January 2009

Time - 11am until 5pm

Venue - King's Hall, Glebe Street, Stoke on Trent

Bookings - Only 1,000 places available so booking essential

Telephone - (01752) 312743  10am till 2pm Monday to Friday  or  0781 352 9383

Email reservations may be made through

Fee - £12.50 per head by cheque or debit/credit card to The British Constitution Group, Unit 20 , Argyle Estate, Argyle Street South, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 9HH

Speakers - John Bingley, David Bourne, Albert Burgess, Brian Gerrish, John Harris.

This is very much an event for activists from across the ‘democratic resistance’. A part of the proceedings will be devoted to what we can do practically to organise against this sombre background of an ever deepening crisis in our democracy, government and economy. Bookings are already coming in so act early!
Monday, 08 December 2008

Irish To Vote On EU Treaty Again As Experts Warn Britain Could Be Signed Up Within a Year

'Britain could be signed up to a controversial European Union Constitution within a year, it has emerged. Ireland  -  which derailed the so-called Lisbon Treaty when voters rejected it in June  -  has been forced into holding a second referendum on the agreement. One diplomat said: 'There is still some tweaking to do, but there is an understanding.' Critics say that the Treaty is almost identical to the EU Constitution, rejected by the French and Dutch in 2005.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Scotland Yard 'In The Pocket of Nu Labor', Says Senior Officer

'A senior police officer has accused former Metropolitan Police chief Sir Ian Blair of putting his force 'in the pocket of New Labour'. Tarique Ghaffur said that Sir Ian had politicised his organisation and said he was glad that his former boss had lost his job. Assistant Commissioner Ghaffur - who has been embroiled in his own controversy over his tribunal claim against the Met for racism - also said that Sir Ian had manipulated the cash-for-honours inquiry into alleged Labour corruption in order to win leverage in the Home Office.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Analysis: Obama Defense Agenda Resembles Gates

'For a Democrat whose opposition to the Iraq war was a campaign centerpiece, President-elect Barack Obama is remarkably in sync with Defense Secretary Robert Gates on many core defense and national security issues — even Iraq. The list of similarities suggests the early focus of Obama's Pentagon may not change dramatically from President George W. Bush's. Given that Obama made the unprecedented decision to keep the incumbent Republican defense secretary, it would seem natural to expect that they see eye to eye on at least some major defense issues. But the extent of their shared priorities is surprising, given Obama's campaign criticisms of Bush's defense policies.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Clinton Builds Loyalist Empire

'When Hillary Clinton was offered the job of America’s top diplomat, she made one non-negotiable demand: she must be allowed to take her own team of loyalists with her to the State Department. A new “Hillaryland”, the word coined for devotees of the first lady in the 1990s, is being assembled for Foggy Bottom, where the State Department is based, in sharp contrast to the bold example set by Barack Obama’s cabinet “team of rivals”, composed of the president-elect’s former competitors and opponents.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Greeks Riot After Teenager Shot By Police

'Riots rocked Athens and other university towns across Greece yesterday after a teenager was shot dead in a midnight confrontation with police in an inner-city district frequented by extremist youths. As news of the shooting spread hundreds of hooded and helmeted protesters poured into three central districts in Athens, hurling petrol bombs and stones at shopfronts, banks, parked cars and squads of police trying to control the mayhem. Twenty-four policemen were injured.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Pearl Harbour -  The Mother Of All Conspiracies

'President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Traditional Subjects Go In Schools Shake-up

'Traditional subjects such as history, geography and religious studies will be removed from the primary school curriculum and merged into a “human, social and environmental” learning programme as part of a series of radical education reforms. Under the plans, information technology classes would be given as much prominence as literacy and numeracy, and foreign languages would be taught in tandem with English.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Stansted Airport Runway Closed After Protesters Force Their Way 'Airside'

'Passengers at London's Stansted Airport are facing a morning of chaos after climate change protesters forced their way into a secure area, causing the complete closure of the runway. The protest, by 54 campaigners, saw demonstrators occupying a runway and taxi area which had been closed for maintenance work at around 3am.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Bottom Drops Out of Recycling Industry

'Norm Steenstra's budgeting worries mount with each new load of cardboard, aluminum cans and plastics jugs dumped at West Virginia's largest county recycling center. Faced with a dramatic slump in the recycling market, the director of the Kanawha County Solid Waste Authority has cut 20 of his 24 employees' work week to four days from five, shuttered six of the authority's drop-off stations and is urging residents to hoard their recyclables after informing municipalities with curbside recycling programs that the center will accept only paper until further notice. "The market is just not there anymore," Steenstra said.'



"Obama is Merely a Fop For The Global Elite"

'Have you ever wondered how capitalism was pushed over the edge of the cliff just six weeks before the American presidential election? According to financial experts, the world, as we know it will change dramatically by the year 2012.  People, who provided for their families only three years ago, will be desperately searching for food. The story of the economic meltdown of 2008 begins and ends with the United Nations and its carefully managed One World Order. Behind the curtain of this dark chapter in human misery are ogres Maurice Strong and George Soros. It is both power lust and an all-consuming hatred of the United States of America that elevated this deadly duo to ogre status. Fortunately for all of those searching for answers, much of their plan for the world, post November 4, 2008 is already mapped out in writing.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

Creating an "Arc of Crisis": The Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia

'The recent attacks in Mumbai, while largely blamed on Pakistan’s state-sponsored militant groups, represent  the latest phase in a far more complex and long-term “strategy of tension” in the region; being employed by the Anglo-American-Israeli Axis to ultimately divide and conquer the Middle East and Central Asia. The aim is destabilization of the region, subversion and acquiescence of the region’s countries, and control of its economies, all in the name of preserving the West’s hegemony over the “Arc of Crisis.”


Monday, 08 December 2008

Kosovo: A European Narco State

'When three officers of Germany's foreign intelligence service the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), were arrested in Pristina November 19, it exposed that country's extensive covert operations in the heart of the Balkans. On November 14, a bomb planted at the office of the European Union Special Representative was detonated in downtown Pristina. While damage was light and there were no injuries, U.N. "peacekeepers" detained one of the BND officers hours after the blast when he was observed taking photos of the damaged building. Two of his colleagues waited in a car and acted as lookouts. The officer named these two colleagues as witnesses that he was in his office at the time of the attack.'


Monday, 08 December 2008

McCain Predicts India-Pakistan War

'Defeated US Presidential Candidate John McCain says India will attack Pakistan if it fails to act against those involved in the Mumbai raids. McCain, who is on a two-day visit to Pakistan, outspokenly told a group of reporters in Pakistan's Lahore that Indian Premier Manmohan Singh was visibly angry about the killings and damage to property in the Mumbai terrorist attacks.'