In the current issue of the Shalem Centre’s magazine Azure, Michael Oren has written a fine article using the subtle anti-Zionist message of the hit movie You Don’t Mess with the Zohan to point out the key fact – which the bigoted morons who believe there’s a Jewish conspiracy stretching from Jerusalem to Washington fail to grasp – that American Jews are deeply ambivalent about Israel. As I noted here about Steven Spielberg’s disgusting movie Munich, for the majority of American Jews it has always been America, not Israel, that is the 'goldene medina' or ‘promised land’. Israel makes them uneasy for a variety of reasons, including – as with British Jews – the visceral fear of being accused of dual loyalty ( a taunt, incidentally, that Jew-haters have used throughout history, centuries before the re-creation...Monday, 22nd December 2008
The real 'goldene medina' for American Jews
1:52pm The reckless IMF?
12:27pmThe Daily Mail reports that the head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Khan, is recommending even more drastic action to prevent the British and other leading economies from spiralling into a yet more disastrous recession: Billions more will have to be pumped into the economy to avoid it spiralling into an even 'darker' recession, the head of the International Monetary Fund has warned...Opening the spending taps in this way would run the risk of blowing an even bigger hole in the public finances, experts warned. But the IMF believes racking up more debt is the lesser of two evils - and that Britain’s collapse will dwarf those in the U.S., Germany, France, Spain, Russia and Brazil. In other words, Gordon Brown’s fiscal stimulus has been too cautious. And so this leaves the Tories saying...what, precisely? I await their denunciation of the IMF for its stunning profligacy, recklessness, imprudence, irresponsibility, etc etc...
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
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Britannia Radio