The Mother, the Son and God's Promise
Today is the big day. Christians around the world are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Lots of cheer, the Christmas tree, gifts and too much snow in many places. I hope everyone is able to be with their loved ones this day. I know things are very bad, but family is what makes our lives worth living, at least for me. Of course, our troops are not home, but I'm not going to use this column for any commentary on the war. Just wish to say God bless our troops and their families. I also wish to send.......
by Devvy Kidd
Innocent Bystanders: Brainwashed and Irrelevant
So in the Soviet Union at its zenith more than 93% of the people were not Communists. More than 95% of the Chinese people under Mao were not Communists. And in Vietnam after the American defeat almost 97% of the people were not Communists. More than 90% of the German people were not Nazis. But all these Communist countries were certainly......
by Alan Stang
More Than a Baby in a Manger
There is a part of me that doesn’t like the Christmas season. I hate what it has done to Christianity. The birth of the Savior has been hi-jacked. The arrival of Emmanuel has been relegated to a secular celebration highlighted by a trip to the local mall. What a way to celebrate the ultimate spiritual-bailout. I’m sure our family is no different than yours. Our.....
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
A Christmas Story: A Moment Frozen in Time in Antarctica
First of all, my family and I wish you a Merry Christmas. May your gifts be many from the heart, and may your friends and family celebrate Christmas with its special blessings and renewal. May we all work toward a more peaceful existence with good will toward all humanity and our fellow creatures on this planet. With that in mind, I am sharing a.......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Thursday, 25 December 2008
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Britannia Radio