Motorists Face Fines and Three Points on Licence For Minor Accidents 'Thousands of drivers who would have escaped prosecution for collisions after simply swapping insurance details will now face likely prosecution as soon as the police become involved. An array of trivial motoring offences in addition to minor crashes are also likely to lead to action under proposals to give police powers to issue fixed penalty notices for careless driving. They could include eating, drinking or smoking at the wheel, reading a map, tuning a radio or arguing with a passenger. All funds raised from the on-the-spot fines will go directly to the Treasury, which already makes more than 100 million pounds a year from speed cameras.' Global Warming Fear-monger Selected As Puppet Obama's Top Scientific Advisor 'A celebrated Harvard professor has been selected to whisper into President-elect Obama's ear about global warming..., I mean global climate change, or whatever they call it these days. Professor John P. Holdren is expected to serve as Obama's top science adviser, no doubt signaling that the Obama administration will attempt to pass a bill to tax carbon rather than fight real environmental issues. And it takes all of two seconds to connect him to Al Gore and his global warming propaganda movie, An Inconvenient Truth, a movie that a judge in the UK prohibited from being sent to schools unless it was countered with "guidance giving the other side of the argument" due to the it's nine factual errors. The Harvard professor, who is smarter than you, was Gore's adviser on the film.' How Do They Do It - I Really Want To Know 'You can stop me at any point...heh heh, no you can't but it never hurts to offer. I want to talk today about the obvious. If it's not obvious to you then you are a Nimrod and/or a Nodwell and you probably don't come here anyway since I don't feature porn or get rich quick schemes. Before I get into any of this, we require, or should I say you require a little setup... backstory...some scenery so we know where we are.'Wednesday, 24 December 2008 Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
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Britannia Radio