NBC’s Placenta Place
Being manly is out in America. Instead, we have the metrosexual, the straight man who preens in the bathroom as much or more than his woman. Don’t forget the former hit TV show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, produced by NBC Universal’s Bravo network, to have gay men teach clueless straight men about style and manner. The trendline is clear: men have been becoming, and are socially rewarded for becoming, more feminine. What’s going on?.......
by Marc Rudov
California Gay Marriage Kerfuffle
California Attorney General Jerry Brown (once upon a time “Governor Moonbeam”) wants a do-over, a mulligan, a second bite at the apple. He has changed his position on the state's new same-sex marriage ban. Now, in the wake of a cosmic epiphany and revisionist interpretation of the state Constitution, he is now urging the state Supreme Court to void Proposition 8. Despite 52% of the California electorate having spoken in support of the institution and tradition of marriage, Jerry wants the courts to trump the people........
by Geoff Metcalf
The mentality of the Obama voter
The probability that Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible to the office of president as he is not a natural-born citizen as required by Article II, Section 1, United States Constitution, grows with each passing day that he refuses to produce his vault copy Hawaii birth certificate. For a man who promised open government and transparency during his campaign, Obama has spent an inordinate amount of money and time trying to keep from having to produce his vault copy Hawaii birth certificate........
by Lynn Stuter
Just an "Uneventful Execution" of a Search Warrant
The Lorain County Sheriff’s Department is reportedly “puzzled” over Internet reaction to its Dec. 1 raid of Manna Storehouse, an organic food-buying and distribution co-operative owned by John and Jacqueline Stowers of LaGrange, Ohio, a small rural community near Cleveland. As word of the raid spread across the Internet, sheriff deputies found themselves likened to Gestapo, and the department was denounced for using a SWAT team and threatening the family with semiautomatic rifles........
by NWV News
Bankrupted States = Con-Con and Newstates Constitution
The strategically planned and forthcoming Constitutional Convention, which will address “a balanced budget,” is quite a cover story. Therefore, let us consider the truth behind this elaborate usurpation scheme. As the country is failing in every direction – from the former individual in America to each and every individual state in the country, the total economic crash of.......
by Nancy Levant
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
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Britannia Radio