Wednesday, 3 December 2008

The Neo-Alchemy of the Federal Reserve
As the printing presses for the bailouts run at full speed, those in power are no longer even pretending that the new giveaways will fix our problems.

 A New War Would NOT Help the Economy
• Auditors Fault Treasury Oversight of Bailout Funds
• Michigan Mayor Says No Auto Bailout Will Mean Depression
 Q4 may be “ugly”: analyst
• AD: Convert Your Car To Electric & Save $$$ on Gas Prices

Commons Showdown Over MP Raid
A explosive showdown between MPs and the Commons Speaker Michael Martin is expected over a police raid on a Conservative member’s office.

 Police to get ‘war-time’ power to demand ID

Alex Jones on Russia Today 12/3/08
The U.S. needs Georgia as a base to attack Iran in the future if it needed to, says Alex Jones, an American radio show host and documentary film-maker. 

 Mumbai attacks more complicated

Argument for Deploying Troops in the U.S. is Ridiculous 
Everyone knows that deploying 20,000 troops on U.S. soilviolates Posse Comitatus and the Constitution.

Government Task Force Predicts Terror Attack on Major U.S. City by 2013
Things are getting freaky. Within hours after I posted my 31 predictions for 2009, which included the prediction of a possible terrorist attack on either New York or Los Angeles (, the federal government's own task force issued a prediction that eerily mirrors the one I just published.

From The “Panic” Of 2008 To The “Collapse” Of 2009 
The country’s top trends forecaster, who accurately predicted the “panic” of 2008 nearly a year before it unfolded, is now ominously suggesting that next year will come to be known as “the collapse of 2009?.

 Bernanke says crisis ‘no comparison’ to Great Depression 
• ‘Bernanke-san’ Signals Policy Shift, Evoking Japan Comparison 
• U.S. bailout monitor sees lack of a coherent plan 
• House to push $500 billion stimulus bill

The Cost of Hegemony is Beyond Reach: The New Arms Race 
Undeterred by massive budget deficits from wars, a falling economy, and financial bailouts, the US government has managed to start a new cold war with Russia.