Obama the Most Admired Man in The World, American Poll Says And a few people can't control the world?? It's a piece of cake. Oxford Council Gives Homeless Train Tickets and Orders Them To Leave 'It's not quite what happened to Mary and Joseph when they were looking for somewhere to stay the night. For rough sleepers in Oxford have been warned to either prove they have a personal link to the city or leave. Around 200 homeless people unable to meet the criteria set by the city's Reconnection programme have been given a train ticket and sent back to where they came from.' One Hundred MPs to Rebel Over Sale of Royal Mail 'More than 100 Labour MPs are ready to defy the Government and join a guerrilla campaign against moves to sell off a stake in Royal Mail. The backlash against the part-privatisation - with plans being drawn up for protests around the country - threatens to present Gordon Brown with his biggest rebellion of 2009.' The Men Behind Barack Obama Part One <object width="425" height="344"> Part Two <object width="425" height="344"> EU Spends Billions Each Year on 'Vain PR Exercises' 'New research by Open Europe, a think-tank that supports EU reform, has found that so-called European "information" campaigns are one-sided and boast a budget that is bigger than Coca-Cola's total worldwide advertising account.' What Is Left? 'Who will weep for our lost Nation? How many citizens will cry in anguish for our republic, devastated and destroyed by an elite group of insiders who, bit by bit, through stealth, lies, deceit, chicanery, and outright criminal fraud have wreaked Constitutional havoc. Checks and balances are gone. Congress is bought and sold by corporate lobbyists. Congress no longer works for us. The judiciary, packed with neocons, then shoves new "legal interpretations" down our own throats or disregards time-honored ones. Our country is no longer "we, the people." Now, it is "we, the corporations." Is this not fascism?' The Battle To Save The Fiat Money System Has Begun 'The disinformation by the global financial dailies in the last twelve months as to the cause of the global financial tsunami, serve the same purpose as the global mass media when they perpetuated the lies that lulled the people to support the war criminals Bush, Blair and Howard to launch the barbaric war against Iraq and Afghanistan which resulted in the genocide of millions, the mutilation of hundreds of thousands, physically and psychologically, and the devastation of an entire nation. Hidden behind the headlines of the financial destruction that is sweeping across the globe, lies another story - a dark tale of men who orchestrated the crisis and have amassed enormous wealth and power at the expense of the millions who are now unemployed and whose homes have been foreclosed. This select group of men is in absolute control of the unfolding events. Who are they?' Canada, U.S. Agree to Use Each Other's Troops In Civil Emergencies 'Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other's borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal.Neither the Canadian government nor the Canadian Forces announced the new agreement, which was signed Feb. 14 in Texas. The U.S. military's Northern Command, however, publicized the agreement with a statement outlining how its top officer, Gen. Gene Renuart, and Canadian Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, head of Canada Command, signed the plan, which allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency.'
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Saturday, 27 December 2008 Saturday, 27 December 2008 Saturday, 27 December 2008 Saturday, 27 December 2008 Saturday, 27 December 2008
Saturday, 27 December 2008
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Britannia Radio