Saturday, 27 December 2008

The SEC has Failed Us « Phil’s Favorites
For example, in 2002 Wall Street successfully lobbied the SEC to adopt directives that would be “equivalent” to proposed European Union (E.U.) regulation that would have put the big five U.S. investment banks under the umbrella of E.U. ...
Phil's Favorites -

European Tribune - Community, Politics & Progress.
By European Tribune
The directive's passage into the EU's rule book marks the end of a long battle between the European Commission and national governments over their legal powers. The Commission proposed a directive in 2001, but the Council of Ministers ...
European Tribune -

Grahnlaw: EU procurement: Economic operators
By Grahnlaw
The EC (EU) Classic Directive or Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC starts Title II Rules on public contracts, with Chapter I General provisions. Article 4 Economic operators concerns some aspects of equal treatment of tenderers from ... However, the taking-up and pursuit of certain self-employed activities may be conditional on complying with certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action justified by the general good, such as rules relating to ...
Grahnlaw -