SQUID JUICE 2012; SCRIPT GLIMPSE 2025 Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D “No offence is so heinous as unorthodoxy of behavior…heretical views on sport and soma strike at Society itself.” [1] In regard to social maintenance, our most important sports are on-screen: college and professional football, baseball, basketball to name the main enforcers of norms and vehicles for advertising to goose conspicuous consumption and model lifestyles. It’s not the content or particular product; it’s the medium of passive absorption of a way of being, of surrogates for passion, action and thought that is sold. Television was the proximate incubator of postmodernism and the beginning of the subversion of life by lifestyles, of reality by virtual reality. We just endured a campaign in which two of the candidates, one from each half of the party-animal, were virtual people, plausible persons. Each was a tapestry of ‘found objects,’ of ready made attitudes, gestures, and sound bytes, a “look,” a semblance to go with the attitudes being “projected.” Sport sells this way of ‘living.’ It’s a wonderful life: “Everybody’s happy nowadays” especially media celebrities [2]. As for soma, sports are only part of Culturetainment’s seamless robe of programming, “24/7” as we’ve learned to say: “shop till you drop.” It is, ah, charming to observe that to represent them on network talk shows, conservative publications hire dim dollies, of three or four and one score years capable of sputtering on but one talking point per appearance. These beings are mass-produced by Society via the education industry and the distraction machine whose fast-paced shallowness all learn to imitate: monkey see, monkey do… The jobs they take used to be done by men who whatever their flaws at least were not taken from pin-up calendars and used to dazzle the masses with glossy ‘talent.’ Such are the miracles of modern science: transparent, glitzy, shallow but absolutely opaque: only the sacred few can see the naked emperors and empresses behind the screen of shadow play; see the squids behind the manufactured squid juice. Every day produces new clouds of this smog: “Seventy year old woman gives birth” was a particularly rich item, one of a growing series in which the age of the proud mama is said to steadily increase. The key point is that the birth is concocted in vitro, as in Huxley’s and Orwell’s novels to maximize control and break the most basic human bonds. For those of age to reproduce, contraceptives, abortifacients and abortion are the preferred options. At this point on the long slide there is always a compassionate judge ready to facilitate the process of “terminating unwanted pregnancies.” The crueler and more sterile the world becomes the more anodyne its euphemisms. Remember that “eugenics” is one of the uglier euphemisms of our era; what it means is technological intervention in the birth-life process and the control of the male-female bond by the State and its institutions, not least those government or ‘industry boards’ that license the professions. Almost everything is licensed now; it’s for our own good; for quality control, like eugenics itself, this era’s “Ministry of Love”: “what happens there is forever” because “he who controls the past controls the future and those who control the present control the past,” revising or burying it to suit the needs of control. Facts become totally relative to their power: truth is what they say it is as with modern ‘law.’ It may be that every word in their new ‘history’ books “is pure fantasy” [3]. Who determines the parameters of “quality?” Why better people, people who are licensed by those who fund and manage the licensing institutions. How do they get positions? The old-fashioned way; they buy, back-stab or blackmail their way to them. Grooming, as with monkeys, is everything which could take us back to network ‘talk’ shows… Speaking of Illinois, they say the governor was auctioning the long-vacant Senate seat. The President said he knew nothing about it; he was only eight at the time and living out of state. In a parable a poor man seeking truth comes to what seems a giant palace. Before the first gate stands an enormous Tartar barring the way. Everyday the poor man asks humbly if he may enter. “Not today” answers the doorkeeper who confides that within are countless doorways and rooms each guarded by an official far larger and more ferocious than him. “The third doorkeeper is so terrible that even I cannot bear to look at him!” Duly cowed, the poor man waits and each day requests admission which always is denied: then he dies, realizing that “this door was made only for you” [4]. In this grim and godless cathedral that has been built around what this Republic was meant to be, in the dominion of Esau when Japheth has kicked to pieces the tents of Shem in which they were meant to dwell, the priest’s view, like Satan’s in Paradise Lost is chillingly of our time: in this virtual reality of material frauds, “it is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.” That is, obey, pay up and don’t ask questions: “a gramme is better than a damn.” Just accept the noise as necessary; it doesn’t matter: there is no truth. In ancient times, Rome proved that by force; now, as the controlling, hidden and fifth wheel of the “Quartet” it is doing so again: “one must only accept it as necessary.” Alas, Joseph K. replies, this is “a melancholy conclusion; it turns lying into a universal principle” [5]. The priest is “the prison chaplain” and the spectacle our cage. Kafka understood: Power displaces law by “color of law” and justice becomes a labyrinth in which monsters dwell, enforcing the new science of degradation, postmodernism, where nothing is but what is not and one must stop making sense to live. The prognosis is death which suits proponents of eugenics (“healthy, happy or noble birth”) just fine. Decades before it was in place, Kafka, in the center of Europe, HQ of the dominion of Esau understood “the new science of degradation that kills people on their knees, confused and disgraced in their own eyes” [6]. When freedom’s just another word for nothing at all and humane impulses derided or incomprehensible, the new science nears the peak of its powers. When chimps have human rights, humans are chumps; and if you don’t like being treated like one, the State will has ways to hurt you until you are “confused and disgraced”; that is the new science, the “whole language” that appears right before language is abolished. They have made a world in which Power is the only thing; congratulations to Machiavelli and to Rome. Speak truth to power? Just don’t be heard above the noise of the dazzling distraction machine or glimpsed through its smog. “The heresy of heresies is common sense” and, one should add, common decency [7]. The people who fund and manage the licensing institutions and who find, groom and duly promote and anoint those who sell us are inside the castle. The door we each approach is indeed made for us and only us: one needs only go through despite the terror. The squid juice du jour concerns the current aspect of the perennial campaign: whenever they’re not burbling about desecration of a public crèche (atheists are stupid, a protected class; the gods of this world don’t want you ever to look at the world and, wondering, consider, “who created all these”) they’re handicapping, i.e. defining the candidates for 2012. There’s the bionic hairdo, -- will the flap about her ‘pricey’ clothes hinder her chances or does she “energize the base?” Click ‘A’ or ‘B.’ There’s the wealthy Mormon financial consultant who looks like a plausible Mustapha Mond; there’s a character called “Huckabee,” a personality on the FOX mesh-work of electrons, canned applause and approved ‘ideas’ whose subtext is a lullaby of lies, the mating cry of the elephonkey. Poof, another cloud of squid juice; listen: he’s listing the dates of his book tour. Now Bill Malarkey’s bulling his way through another session of “culture quiz,” crèche angst and listing stops on his book tour. They interview and host each other; they use the first person plural a lot: “we’re really feeling the pain” they repeat endlessly till it seeps into the brain that they’re down here in the gray swamp with us, worrying about the mortgage for which some of us had to put down 40% or so, depending on our status. Hairstyles are us: just because Shepard makes $8 million /year, Mr. O makes $9-10 million, Brian makes $11 million; Diane $12 million and Katie $16 mill or more base salary; hey: they talk to us, they share our concerns; they shape our minds with slogans “like drops of liquid sealing wax that adhere, incrust, incorporate themselves…into a scarlet blob” that was a mind. But it’s okay: we’re all about inclusion, communion and the Greater Social Being: “everyone belongs to everyone else, -- orgy porgy” [8]. So they flog the perennial campaign, the games go on, cheerleaders flounce and diverse persons in purple hijabs kiss at the altar: don’t try that in Mecca, Cairo, Teheran, et al. Sometimes the smog lifts: more than a million men have lost jobs in the past year while thousands more women have jobs [9]. But even when such facts emerge the official media do not connect them to reality: the father-optional families many institutions foster; the effects of affirmative action, preferences and goals; the shaming of men and boys and the “validation” or pampering of girls and women. “Life bore no resemblance to the lies that streamed from the telescreen…” The real text for our times is “Wanting Seed” [10]. The desolation of seed is the dominant principle and so, instead of peace, there is war. It’s alright; we’re getting glimpses of Bobby Jindahl, Governor of Louisiana, a bright and appealing young man, a Rhodes Scholar whose parents came from the Punjab in 1970, a year before he was born. He’s a natural born American and a likely “Republican alternative” that could “turn things around.” Wikipedia says he converted to Catholicism in high school and has confessed his faith before Baptist and Pentecostal congregations. Here is a fusion candidate for everyone, and nice, too. [Order Dr. Eugene Narrett's books click here] The Masters have given us a glimpse of the script: if “ten thousand repetitions make one truth” then let the mantra begin. If it’s due to be in place in 2025, start cultivating the mind-gardens now, soaking them in sealing wax. An oxymoron termed “the National Intelligence Council” has modestly leaked a “draft copy” of its report on “Global Trends 2025: a Transformed World,” and they will make ‘good’ on the change, believe it. “The next twenty years of transition toward a new international system are fraught with risks,” – has this not been heard before, hundreds, thousands of times? “China will be the world’s largest economy and a major military power” as we have arranged the official or unofficial ‘transfer’ to it of so much soft and hardware. There will be “a transition to greener fuels” and more corn-a-haul to starve America down to its appropriate level of bondage, and “non-Arabic Islamic states like Turkey, Indonesia and a post-clerical Iran will acquire growing international roles” [11]. Americans will cook with bio fuels and take instruction from two-dimensional dollies while enormous athletes earn $40 million a year and guest on SLN, etc. “Characters remain constant throughout a lifetime for the elite while “the incarnation of the Greater Being” ascends the stairs for “the approaching atonement” [12]. Ignorance is not simply strength, it is survival: “thought-crime IS death”; it puts one “outside the circle” [13]. Let’s not advance too great claims for the NIC preview and the comments it invites. The document, says the Deputy Director for Intelligence, says it “should not be viewed as a prediction” or even as a “projection.” It simply is “a stimulative document” [14]. How apt that a coined word describes the script for a virtual reality to be imposed as real, a living geopolitical strawberry fields: stimulative rhymes with simulative. The world as the will and idea of the Masters, Babel: superficial, imposed unity masking actual fragmentation; perfect if you want to decimate populations and stomp the first commandment [15]. “Proclaim freedom throughout the land”? Not now; once you take it out of context and separate it from private ownership of land and the declaration of faith to the land and its Creator that accompanied it, then “Freedom is Slavery.” For the dominion of Esau “all history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as necessary” in order to “narrow the range of thought” until “the concept of freedom has been abolished.” This is the age “when the past was erased, the erasure forgotten [and] the lie became truth” again. The West is gagging on the lie by which it constructed itself; “chaos follows the choking” [16]. Humpty Dumpty gave words new meanings, but he had a great fall. Footnotes: 1. Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (Harpers 1932; Harper Perennial Classic edition, 1998), chapter 10, p. 148-9 © 2008 Eugene Narrett - All Rights Reserved
December 11, 2008
2. Op. cit. chapter 6, part 1, p. 91
3. Eric Blair (“George Orwell”), 1984 (Harcourt 1949; Signet Classic), 34-75; “all children are to be born by artificial insemination or artsem…” 66; cf. THX 1138 (1971)
4. Franz Kafka, The Trial (Schocken 1925; 1974), chapter 9, “the Cathedral,” 213-20; excerpted also in Franz Kafka the Complete Stories (Schocken 1971), 3-4
5. The Trial, op. cit. 220; “a gramme is better…” Huxley op. cit. chapter 3, p. 55 passim
6. J.M. Coetzee, Waiting for the Barbarians (Penguin Classics 1982), 108; cf. Orwell 1984: “No one who had once fallen into the hands of the Thought Police ever escaped…They were corpses waiting to be sent to the grave,” chapter 7, 76
7. Orwell, chapter 7, 80
8. Huxley op. cit. 28, 40, 43, 47 passim; “orgy-porgy” chapter 5, 84-5 passim
9. “Losing Jobs in Unequal Numbers,” Robert Gavin, theBoston Globe, 12-05-08, A1, 14 lead story with chart and stats. Women continue to increase their dominance of the education industry by 240%.
10. Orwell, op. cit. 7, 74; cf. Solzhenitsyn, the Cancer Ward, chapter 14; Anthony Burgess, The Wanting Seed (1962) on turbulence and reversion to savagery in a hi-tech society based on birth control.
11. Nicholas Kralev, “Panel foresees lesser U.S. role in world affairs,” Washington Times 11-24-08, p. 22
12. Huxley, op. cit. chapter 5, 84-6
13. Orwell op. cit., chapter 1, 4, 16 passim
14. Washington Times, op. cit.
15. Genesis 1:28
16. Orwell, op. cit. chapter 4, 40; chapter 5, 52-3; chapter 7, 75; Shakespeare, Troilus & Cressida, 1.3.125-6; for the Declaration of faith of each Israelite, his bond to the Promised Land and each family’s inalienable holding of land see Deuteronomy 26; for “freedom,” the Jubilee Year and return of any land lost by poverty or other reasons see Leviticus 25:8-13. The phrase to “proclaim freedom throughout the land” is inscribed on the Liberty Bell. The term and concept of “Jubilee” is being transformed into a plan for American’s to absorb scores of billions of dollars of loans to dysfunctional states. Appropriation, a key postmodern idea is entwined with the reformulation and burial of Israel and thus, of the West.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Posted by Britannia Radio at 12:11