Weak sterling means the UK will take a pounding
Sound as a pound? I think not. Sterling hit a record low against the
euro five days in succession last week. Since January, the pound has
now fallen by a fifth against the single currency.
By Liam Halligan
This drop was brought home to me on Friday when I fell into
conversation with some French pensioners in London doing their
Christmas shopping.
It seems the UK's capital, long maligned for its high prices, is now
de rigeur among Gallic bargain-hunters. A year ago they would have
shelled-out ?1.50 for a pound's worth of M&S underwear. Now, with the
euro close to 90p, they only need ?1.11. Lower sterling and retailer
discounting has made London a euro shoppers' paradise.
The Government pretends there isn't a problem, but the reality can't
be denied, now that the all-powerful currency markets are concluding
the US and UK are most exposed to the credit crunch.
But the pound has fallen against the euro for reasons way beyond our
gummed-up credit markets. After the Brown-inspired debt-fuelled
shopping frenzy of the last decade, the UK has a current account
deficit equal to 4.2pc of GDP, compared to 0.2pc in the eurozone.
And for all his squabbling with German finance ministers, who speak
the truth, our Prime Minister's "crass Keynesianism" has piled even
more pressure on sterling. The Treasury now says the UK will borrow
£118bn next year - three times the amount forecast in April. That's
got to hurt the currency.
Sterling is also suffering because the Bank of England, having
slashed rates from 5.5pc to 2pc since January, is now expected to go
the whole hog and - with Brown throwing on the kerosene - set fire to
our entire monetary regime by yanking rates down close to zero.
Ministers think they're being clever and a weaker currency will boost
the UK, limiting the recession. French shoppers aside, this is folly.
For one thing, a weaker pound keeps inflation high via dearer imports
- and the UK imports a lot - making us very vulnerable on that front.
And even though sterling has fallen, exports orders remain weak.
Competitive devaluations rarely work. But they have no chance of when
the rest of the world is slowing too.
The pound isn't only down against the euro. Against the dollar,
sterling has shed a quarter of its value since July. I say this with
trepidation, but our currency could be "cut loose" by investors -
sparking a hugely damaging plunge. And the more Brown goes on about
"bail-outs" and rate cuts, the more chance that will happen.
=Sunday Times - 14.12.08
Britain 'will not intervene to prop up pound'
The Treasury says it will not try to halt sterling's downward slide
on currency markets, as parity with the euro nears
Pound's plunge is expected to limit cuts in UK interest rates
Sterling's fall could limit the Bank of England's scope for further
aggressive cuts in interest rates
=The Sunday Express:
Britain's cash-strapped car industry needs £13bn to see it through
the recession, union Unite is warning as the Government prepares an
emergency rescue for the sector.
=The Observer:
The UK's leading supermarket chains are putting together emergency
plans to deal with a possible collapse of their supply lines in 2009
Monday, 15 December 2008
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Britannia Radio