Teachers Union Lies to Win Election
Oregon’s public employee unions, financed by more than $5 million from the Oregon Education Association (OEA) and more than $3 million from the National Education Association (NEA), defeated Oregon’s Measure 64 by about eight-tenths of one percent. Measure 64 would have ended the policy of using the public payroll system, including public employee time on the job, public buildings, and public equipment and supplies to collect political funds for the public employee unions. The public employee unions combined are reportedd to have spent $12 million to $14 million to barely defeat this popular measure.......
by Bill Sizemore
The Visa Waiver Program is Fraught With Perils
The issue I want you to consider is the fact that the obvious goal of the terrorists was to do as much damage as possible to the economy of the Indian government by convincing travelers that India is not a safe place to visit. The fact that hotels bore the brunt of the attacks this time and on previous occasions make it clear that the terrorists focused on commerce and tourism to achieve their nefarious goals.......
by Former INS agent, Michael Cutler, Ret.
Gun Control: The Road Ahead
The courts are not obligated to prosecute and imprison violent offenders. A recent Supreme Court case reaffirmed previous rulings that police have no duty to protect a particular member of society, despite unusual circumstances like restraining orders.....
by Howard Nemerov
America Cannot Sustain Unending Immigration From all Over The World
The Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, New York Times and hundreds of U.S. newspapers frequently publish stories on legal and illegal migrants struggling to make a new home in America. Those pieces, filled with sob stories enough to empty a box of Kleenex at a ‘chick flick’--provide fodder for a never ending flood of immigrants seeking a better life. But they never talk about the other side of the coin as those.......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 1 December 2008
Posted by Britannia Radio at 11:52