Sunday, 28 December 2008

There is no End to Problems
PROBLEMS ARE FOREVER. To limit freedom all one has to do is think of a personal problem and find a way to turn it into a social problem. It is as simple as that. Everyone who wants government--by force or bribery--to turn personal problems into social problems is a hater of freedom. Almost everyone claims to want freedom. Almost no one wants it enough to.......
by Erica Carle

Suggestions For Rick Warren’s Inauguration Prayer
Author’s note: Rick Warren has a daunting task ahead of him during his upcoming inaugural prayer for Barack Obama. Here are some brief humble suggestions for him as he prepares for this historic moment. May we be in prayer for Obama’s salvation and national repentance......
by Nicholas Jackson

When Playing By The Rules Ensures Failure, Adapt
For decades, the foundation of our great nation has been chewed away, bit by tiny bit, by very shrewd and dirty fighters for whom, neither integrity nor truth is an issue. In many ways, this has been to their advantage and to the disadvantage of honest patriots who have fought for what they believe, in earnest, with great passion, and righteous pride........
by CJ Graham