Monday, 22 December 2008

They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. - Plato
"The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see." -- Ayn Rand

Likud Visits Golan, Feiglin Protests with Absence

Kislev 25, 5769, 22 December 08 06:02
by Mayana Miskin
Likud members travel, without Feiglin Likud members travel, without Feiglin
( Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu took prospective Likud MKs to the Golan on Monday. “The Likud will protect the Golan,” he promised during the trip.
The candidates toured the area and watched a video about the Golan's history. As the trip neared its end, all signed a document promising not to give the Golan away.
The trip took place as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert visited Turkey, where he met with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss indirect talks between Israel and Syria. Syrian officials say Olmert has offered to give Syria the entire Golan in exchange for a peace deal.
Netanyahu referred to Olmert's trip while addressing the Likud candidates, saying, “We don't know what Olmert will say about the Golan behind closed doors.” Olmert's stance will not change the Likud's policy, Netanyahu promised, saying, “The Likud government will protect the Golan,and will not retreat from it, no matter what Olmert says today in Turkey.”
Former IDF Chief of Staff Moshe (Boogie) Yaalon and General (res.) Yossi Peled, who hold spots eight and 15 respectively on the Likud list, were among those who accompanied Netanyahu on the trip. “The Golan is the lungs providing oxygen to the Jewish state,” Peled said.
“The 1967 borders are indefensible without the Golan Heights,” Yaalon said. There is no reason for Olmert to negotiate the Golan, he added, “unless it's a secret.”
Feiglin Stays Away
One prospective MK was conspicuously absent: Moshe Feiglin of the Likud's Jewish Leadership faction did not take part in Monday's tour. Feiglin was elected to the 20th spot on the Likud list, but was later bumped to slot 36 when candidate Ophir Akunis appealed the election results, saying the 20th slot should be given to a municipal representative.
Akunis is close to Netanyahu, who bitterly opposed Feiglin's presence on the list, particularly in a slot (#20) expected to make it into the Knesset.
Feiglin announced that he would avoid the Golan trip in protest of the Likud's decision to push him down the list. "If Netanyahu, who has already bargained regarding the Golan, is interested in convincing the public that this time he plans to protect the land of Israel, he has a way to do so: Return me to the 20th slot, where Likud members put me,” Feiglin said.
Feiglin accused Netanyahu of promising to keep the Golan as an insincere campaign strategy. Netanyahu is trying to win back nationalist voters who left the party when Feiglin was moved to an unrealistic spot on the party list, he said.
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