“And for the miracles, and for the salvation, and for the mighty deeds, and for the victories, and for the battles which You performed for our forefathers in those days, at this season.”
Bad weather at this time of year; from Seattle to Boston and Bangor it’s been brutal. But Judaism teaches that out of darkness, light and that the ultimate light is the Creator of light: “Zarach ba’choshekh Ohr la’yisharim.” The prophet tells us that “toward evening, there will be light” a promise very welcome in these days of dread and gathering darkness. It is the season of Hanukkah, — of miracles, victories and light reminding us of the Source of light and His distinctive qualities: Chanun, v’Rachum v’Tzaddik” [1].
Human beings are meant to aspire to these qualities to draw near to their Source and unique strengths.

Recently I wrote about the omission of Jerusalem from weather bug’s world wide register of sites, including some very small villages for which they give temperature and weather [2].
I noted the analogy to the State Department’s refusal to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a nation many centuries more ancient than Rome and several millennia more deeply rooted than “America,” a once-great nation long in a process of becoming virtual, its borders, identity, basic law and economy erased by its shadow elite, not unlike what is being done to Israel.
Perhaps it is no coincidence that this has been happening since the 1920s and the first major surge of Jew-hatred driven by American ‘thought-leaders,’ corporate powers and then the perennial government establishment in DC, the mighty contractors for the perennial regime in Israel that does their will in disestablishing what is great and good.
I received a courteous note in response to my article about Weather Bug’s curious slant from Dr. Benjamin Beroukhim, Chief Scientist for AWS Convergence Technologies who writes the algorithms for weatherbug.com. “The algorithm is very simple,” he wrote, “I find all the working weather stations closest to each city.”
This begs the main question which is why is there not a weather station in Jerusalem the most famous and important city in the world and of major interest to myriads of tourists and others world wide.
Dr. Beroukhim added that “the closest airport and weather station is the Atarot airport” which is at the northernmost end of the narrow north finger of Jerusalem. True, as he writes, “it does not report weather reliably” but as the good Doctor is not paid for context we note that Atarot for years was under fire by Arab gangsters (the PLO-Fatah and their enablers and friends not least in American government) and this led to under-utilization and eventual abandonment of the airport and nearby industrial zone both of which should be flourishing. Sited within a mile of the hostile enclave of Ramallah, this was an enterprise bound to fail, given the political directives banning removal of the hostiles and mandating cleansing of Jews. In short, the weather station at Atarot “does not reliably report weather” because of a variety of geo-political decisions by the governments of Israel and their controllers overseas.
Surely it is coincidence that “convergence” was the term briefly used by disgraced PM Olmert, resigned but sort of still fronting the client state known as “Israel,” to designate the Israeli phase of the Road Map plan to purge Judea and Samaria (the Shomron) of Jews. In the world of real politik where horror is masked in sunny euphemisms, this is termed “peace.” It’s quite Orwellian: “stability in the region” means ethnic cleansing of Jews and forbidding their armed forces to silence utterly the rockets, missiles, and guns of those that perennially attack Jews.
The good Doctor adds in closing that “several members of the Israeli Knesset have tried to re-name Ben-Gurion Airport Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion airport Jerusalem.” This brings to mind those sections of modern works that talk about how re-naming a city, street or other site is meant to efface memory of what and where it really is [3]. He writes that “this will in fact resolve the issue” regarding placement of weather stations. But the fact is that Ben Gurion international airport is just east of Tel Aviv in Israel’s coastal plain and a long ways in climate, weather and culturally from Jerusalem. Changing the name may well occur for it will foster the vicious ‘replacement theology’ and forgetting of the modern elites that intend to substitute the modern, glitzy, hi-tech mostly ‘Hellenist’ Tel Aviv for the very ancient, historically rich, packed with holy sites city of David and the Temple Mount. So that change would resolve nothing but only further postpone the costs for fudging or burying history, depriving Israel of its capitol and the world of its blessings.
Either campus of Hebrew University, either on Mt. Scopus or at Givat Ram are two of the many obvious places where a weather station should long since have been established in or near the center of Jerusalem. The fact that there is not one for scientists to monitor is a political-administrative not a scientific, meteorological or even a travel decision. This truly would “resolve the problem” and many others, too. So let us resolve to speak to the genuine matters at hand.
It is Hanukkah, December, and Congress is or should be in recess since the collective that directs the President runs America by fiat now. But at this season, perennially, there are cries to pardon Jonathan Pollard who was falsely accused of treason and has been incarcerated under brutal conditions for twenty-four years to teach Jews the fundamental principle of the West: to accept humiliation and blackmail and be quiet about it.
Pollard’s ‘crime’ was that he gave classified information that was supposed to be shared with Israel about the missile sites and arsenals in Arab States that were targeted at Israel. But the big wigs in America wanted Israel kept in the dark and thus pliable. For the unforgivable sin of saving America from being a party to genocide and for saving the Jewish people from blackmail and possible annihilation, Pollard was charged with treason, which he did not commit, and sentenced to life without pardon.
By way of contrast, President Clinton pardoned dozens of FALN (Puerto Rican nationalist) terrorists who murdered and assaulted scores of Americans including members of Congress. President Bush is said to feel compassion for the “poor” John Lind the young American who fought with the Taliban, warring against his own countrymen: now that’s treason. Like Clinton, whose destruction of the Constitution and economy he has permitted to increase, Bush will not pardon Pollard. Their positions on this matter, dictated to them by the State Department and NSC (the departments of Defense, State, CIA, FBI and Treasury) reveal vividly the default option of the West: degrade and humiliate the Jew. This animus is the poison of which the West is dying, committing murder by suicide in a striking parallel to a favored tactic of its useful instruments in Islamic lands.
It is pertinent to note that following the NFL game broadcast on FOX Sunday afternoon December 20, the network ran an infomercial touting the house of Saud and Saudi Arabia a British-American concoction as a font of interfaith dialog, reconciliation, friendship and other disinformation to gross to repeat.
By the way, when American taxpayers bailed out Citibank and other financial institutions they were being looted to give moneys to several Saudi princes who are among the wealthiest individuals on earth. The House of Saud is a major funder of jihadist oriented Islamic teachings, i.e. true Islam so their cozy bond with our rulers is revealing as is the shared target: the Jew and his national embodiment, Israel. The original and genuine must be destroyed or buried like the rubble the PLO-Fatah dug out of the Temple Mount and dumped so that the imposture of the “new” and virtual Israel can make good its preposterous claim to inherit the covenant. It’s a long and ugly story, the sewer that permeates and into which drains all the great works of the West.
So don’t expect Pollard ever to be freed, though I would love to be proved wrong. Perhaps those who have woven the collage “Barack Hussein Obama” will mess with minds by taking a ‘bold initiative’ here. That would be as lovely as it is improbable.
Olmert, Clinton and Bush will be pardoned, or already are free from the need, before Pollard is. They faithfully sold the schemes of the elite while Pollard, simply trying to save lives put a spoke in the smoothly humming wheel of the neo-Malthusians. He made it possible for Israel to be sovereign and stout in its defense: that is unforgivable to the grand masters world wide and to their subcontractors in the land who happily threw Pollard to the wolves.
Hanukkah means “dedication” and its root is “grace.” You may find the word and its national and human import in verse one of tehillim thirty: “A song for the inauguration of the Temple, by David.” It was to liberate and purify the Temple and the Land that the Maccabees took up arms almost twenty-two centuries ago and it is against a repetition of those miracles, wonders, victories and salvation that the powers bend all their might, not least the power to delude that spins dazzlingly, numbingly 24/7 from the mass media, our days’ “stealers of mind” and “catchers of eyes” [4].
Those of us bidden to do so to honor and sustain our heritage, identity and hopes, personal, national and human will light the candles and say the al HaNissim mindful of ancient and modern efforts to bury the pure flame in a glitzy darkness. “Toward evening there will be light for the Children of Israel; there will be light in all their dwellings [5].
1. In order, the quotes are from
tehillim (“psalm”) 112:4; the “Light” there refers to the Creator, “Gracious, Compassionate and Righteous” (cf. Exodus 34:5-7, etc); Zechariah 14:7. The epigraph quotes the
al HaNissim (“for all the miracles”) prayer recited throughout Hanukkah and Purim the holidays of national salvation and military victory.
http://israelendtimes.com/blog/2008/12/ at a standard home page like dell one was directed to listings from Beirut to the Sinai (see the chart in my essay); one can access simply the Ben Gurion Airport station in the coastal plain at
http://weather.weatherbug.com/Israel/Jerusalem-weather.html?zcode=z62863. See Huxley in
Brave New World (1931) and Orwell in
1984 (1948) on the name of London in
1984 and see Milan Kundera’s meditations on Kafka, Prague and streets there in Parts 1, 4 and 6.1-2 passim of his
Book of Laughter and Forgetting (1975; revised English translation 1996).
4. Rav Moshe Ben Maimon (Rambam, “Maimonides”) negative commandment #32
in Sefer HaMitzvoth5. Exodus 10:21-3; and so should Jonathan Pollard be redeemed from Egypt and Pharaoh’s dungeon.