It has been reported that our firemen may no longer use the pole in their fire stations for fear they might injure themselves.
Regardless of claims to the contrary, all this nonsense falls under the responsibility of the Queen as the official Governor of this nation according to her coronation oath. We elected her to govern this nation and we pay her good money to do the job. The Queen has the power to delegate the authority of governance, but she remains the official Governor, so that which goes wrong falls on her shoulders.
Thousands of letters have been sent to the Queen imploring her to uphold her coronation oath. In the few that have been acknowledged her lackeys have invariably claimed that the Queen is obliged to take the advice of her ministers. Just what that is supposed to mean is anyone's guess and doubtless deliberately deceptive, but it implies that she is subordinate to her subordinate ministers, which is just another nonsense. They never mention the advice given by her Privy Councillors. The question is, did the Queen bow to the demands of her ministers in 1972 or was the whole debacle her idea in the first place. The Queen certainly ignored the advice of her Privy Councillors the Lords Kilmuir and Wilberforce who wrote open letters pointing out the constitutional implications of the European Communities Act, and that our sovereignty would be lost to the European Community. The Queen therefore could have been in no doubt what so ever of the direction the Act would take us. Every organisation must have someone at its head to steer it and take the flack when things go wrong. The Queen is supposed to be the leader of this nation, not the Prime Minister, who according to law is subordinate to the Monarch by oath, having been appointment by the Queen.
There can be no doubt that in 1972 the Queen either surrendered the sovereignty of her office to the Franco German Axis or she allowed it to be taken from her by her ministers. Since then the nation has gradually fallen apart at the seams. Parliament has unlawfully assumed the powers we vested in the Monarch and uses those powers against us. We are bullied into conformity at every turn, we are not even allowed to speak our minds. We are forced to exchange the emblem of our flag for the emblem of the Franco German Axis and a foreign religion, whose leader by church law is not allowed jurisdiction in this nation. Our traditional money has been taken away from us, and we can be made common criminals in our own land for using our own traditional measurements. We are taxed out of our minds to fund the imperial aspirations of the Franco German Axis, at the expense of healthcare, education and pensions and most essentially our nation's defence.
While the nation degenerates into chaos, Elizabeth the Betrayer swans around in splendour acting out a charade to give the impression that nothing has changed, giving cover for a despotic and traitorous parliament, while bit by bit and step by step it seeks for itself the high office of a puppet junta for its tyrannical foreign masters, its simple task being to suppress the people and raise revenue for the European political empire.
As our treasonous parliament has gained confidence in its treachery, supported and protected by a politicised judiciary of weasel words, with its new found boldness it now openly ignores constitutional constraint, the coronation oath and the rule of law, and beams its triumph at its surrender of the supremacy of our Constitution to the Franco German Axis, backed it seems, either directly or with tacit consent, by Elizabeth II, supposed Sovereign Head of State, Governor of the nation and our Church.
There can be no sovereign head of state in a nation which is no longer sovereign, and no governor of a nation which is no longer self governing. The claim that we now share sovereignty is an utter nonsense, sovereignty shared is sovereignty lost. It seems we the British people have been disenfranchised, sold out, betrayed by those in whom we placed the care and defence of the nation state and our honest trust.
All the available evidence suggests that either the Queen abdicated in 1972 or she was deposed by her ministers and the powers we the people vested in her at the time of her coronation have been assumed by our despotic Parliament. Clearly treason has been perpetrated at the highest level. In 1999 following the Maastricht Treaty a clergyman, having taken an oath of allegiance to the Queen, made enquiries as to whom he owed his oath of allegiance. Eventually he received this reply.
"The question has been asked recently by someone else. The Registrar therefore consulted Buckingham Palace concerning the Oath. The Palace consulted Brussels, who replied that the Oath could stand as it was for the present."
Concerned British subjects, aware that treason was taking place and under their constitutional obligation according to the law of Misprision of Treason, submitted their suspicions of treason to a number of police authorities. In each instance the Chief Constables of those authorities claimed that such an issue was nothing to do with them, despite treason being the head of all crime. So to whom do the police now owe allegiance?
Letters have been sent to the Palace, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Attorney General, the Prime Minister and the Department of Constitutional Affairs asking, is the Queen still sovereign Monarch as she was on the day of her coronation in 1953. All have declined to answer this simple question one way or the other.
With consummate and deceitful skill the Great Betrayal of the British people has been kept hidden from them, the word TREASON has become one which dare not speak its name. The national media has been stifled, and those organisations that have long opposed our Constitution have been used to disseminate disinformation, thus a state of general ignorance and incredulity has been maintained in the public domain, while in the higher offices of the establishment the whip of deference has been ruthlessly wielded. There is presently a move afoot to encourage the people to demand a referendum entitling them to vote away their own constitution, thus inciting the people in their ignorance of their own constitutional protections to engage in an act of treason against themselves.
It must now, as never before, be recognised that the essential fabric of this nation is not about our temporary Parliaments, it is about the British people and the Monarch, bound to each other by contract according to the Monarch's coronation oath, and this still stands regardless of whether the Queen fell or was pushed in 1972. The Queen agreed to be the physical embodiment of the people's sovereignty, and distancing herself from the people and staying regally aloof does not change or annul that commitment.
The British Constitution, made up of its Acts and treaties between the Monarch and the people, and representing the sum of all that we the people are as a nation state is, as it was intended to be, the peoples defence against despotic Parliaments and Monarchs.
It must be recognised that our constitutional Monarchs are compelled by and are under the rule of our law.
The bedrock of the Constitution is the Magna Carta, in which Article 61 clearly states that should the Monarch deviate from the constraints of the rule of law, the people have the lawful right to use any means at their disposal to force the Monarch to abide by the rule of law, even to the extent of engaging in civil war, in which any forces of the state opposing the people would be acting treasonously.
It must now be recognised that the time is upon us to face up to dreadful fact, that we the British people either exercise our lawful right provided for us under Article 61 of the Magna Carta, or we will be finished as a nation state of free and independent people of self political determination for ever.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed. If you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly. You may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you, and only a precarious chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case, you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." Winston Churchill.