Sunday, 28 December 2008

Today's Top Stories

IDF finally acts to defend Israelis in the south
After enduring eight years and thousands of missile attacks from Gaza's Arabs, Israelis in range of the Kassam and Grad rockets at the weekend voiced relief as the Olmert government gave the Israel Defense Forces the green light to stop ...

Most the world seethes as Israel defends itself
The international community was in uproar at the weekend following Israel's decision to finally act against the relentless rain of rockets on Jewish communities in the south of the country. Only the United States and Great Britain indicated an understanding ...

Arab world reacts to, vacillates over, Israel's strike on Gaza
The Arab and Islamic world, which has rejected Israel's right to exist in "their" Muslim Middle East, which has leveled both passive and active aggression against the Jewish state for decades and which has supported the establishment in Gaza of ...

'Look to the north' - Veteran US advisor on ME tells Obama
Hope for peace in the Middle East right now lies with Syria, and the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama should concentrate its efforts there. This advice was given Sunday via CNN by Aaron David Miller, a former advisor to ...

Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
2009 and the battle for the Land
When he becomes president, Barack Obama is widely expected to put his shoulder to the stalled wheels of the “peace process” and use the massive momentum he is carrying from the election polls to power the process forward - at Israel’s expense...

Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
The shameless abandonment of Gilad Schalit
Written a few days before Israel launched its attack on Gaza, this commentary takes a hard look at the plight of the kidnapped Israeli soldier whose fate now is of ever growing concern...

Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
Christmas in Israel, and rockets fall like the rain
What was happening here while Christians were celebrating, and days before Israel decided to strike Hamas in Gaza....