Friday, 12 December 2008

Trish Groves on European clinical trials
By BMJ Group
Dr Ingrid Klingmann, ICREL’s coordinator, explained that, when the EU Clinical Trials Directive was being written, the different interest groups took their own corners. This time they’re speaking with one voice, and ICREL has given them ...
French idyll or French nightmare?
By piao8163
EU Directive 2004/38, which the French are citing as justification for making these changes, demands that any changes to laws which affect European citizens, should be announced in due time, thus allowing those affected to make plans to ...
快乐人生 -
Central Banking: December 12, 2008 Michael C Bonello, Governor of ...
By alaskakid
Here I would like to remind this audience that the relevant EU Directive emphasises that the cost of financing such guarantee schemes must be borne by the credit institutions themselves. Furthermore, in the light of the Commission’s ...
Financial Economics Today - Wayne Marr -