Oh, by the way, the program in which Arab viewers were told that Israeli schools teach children to murder Arabs wasn’t aired on the Hizbullah channel but on the BBC’s Arabic service. That’s quite a service. Incitement to terrorism thanks to British taxpayer money. Isn’t it time Parliament discussed this use of ‘public service’ broadcasting to promulgate blood libels to people who will commit mass murder as a result?Tuesday, 16th December 2008
The Blood-Libel Broadcasting Corporation
A fine and biting article by Barry Rubinjuxtaposes the utterly unambiguous and unchanging reality of the Palestinian and Islamist intention to wipe out Israel and murder as many Jews as possible with the delusional dream world in which the west is living in which it persists in regarding genocidal lunatics as ‘moderates’. But one sentence in particular leapt out at me:
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
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Britannia Radio