Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Giant Ponzi scheme uncovered at the heart of the UK
Shocked to the bone is all I can say, what a sad story to break over theChristmas period;
There has been a dark conspiracy at work in the UK for over 10 years that has finally succeeded into putting millions of our fellow citizens into penury. Worse still, this terrible crime has many facets, so even those who thought themselves clever enough to avoid the obvious deception have now been caught by the more refined versions. The basics of the scam go like this;
1. A mysterious body known only as 'The Treasury' started many years ago collecting monies from all her majesty's subjects,promising in return fantastic rewards like free world class schools, free world class health care, green power stations, magnetic trains and rocket cars. As these promises came to naught, they expanded them into the realms of complete fantasy.
2. To continue this con, the leader, known only as 'Mr Brown' decided to get some of the subjects onside. He invited them into a special club, known as the 'public sector' where pensions would be gold plated and they would be rewarded simply for encouraging membership the Scheme. Tomorrow's children would pay for today's rewards, an exact copy of the great original Ponzi ideology. To keep all in order, Mr Brown exponentially added to the numbers of these 'public servants.'
3. Despite the above, many subjects continued to prosper and were not considered by Brown to be contributing enough to his scheme; the scheme was running short of money and was predicted by many outsiders to be bankrupted within a few years.
4. To gain more control of the 'Private Sector', Brown ordered his front organisation, comically called 'The Bank of England' (in a copycat of Nigerian 419 scams), to keep interest rates low and artificially boost revenues to the scheme.
5. This then enabled a whole new part of the criminal genius of the plan to begin. The low interest rates caused a boom, private sector workers were encouraged to invest in 'shares'. These consisted of pieces of paper of no intrinsic value; The shares then'crashed' in 2008 causing huge losses to the private sector.
6. Mr Brown was now able to step in, declare he had 'saved the world' and take over the remaining private UK banks. These were then forced to buy 'treasuries' from the Government and pay extra funds into the scheme in the forms of preference shares.
...but this is not over. Mr Brown is still at large and it is feared the last part of his scheme may still be to come. Allegedly, Brown is unhappy that some money still remains outside of the scheme. He plans a final assault on the Pound Sterling. This paper currency has been in circulation for hundreds of years and is an unsuspecting victim of the Scheme. Interest rates will again be dropped, a 'run on the pound' will lead to hyper-inflation and the remaining money outside of The Scheme will have become worthless. Everything and everyone will be subservient to Mr Brown.
Really, this complex, long-term plan makes Madoff look like a rank amateur.
Monday, 29 December 2008
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Britannia Radio