But at the U.N., that's not how it works. Although Iran lost its bid this year for a seat on the 15-member Security Council, Iran's government has the U.N. so well-wired, in so many ways, that it's hard to find an angle Iran is not busy exploiting. Iran is on one UN board, programme, organisation, committee, initiative and council after another. Iran is a terrorist state racing to develop nuclear weapons in a self-declared war against the west and with the open intention of committing genocide against Israel. The power of Iran within the UN demonstrates the fact that, while the UN is supposedly the world’s policeman, it is in fact a club of terror. The west continues to insist, however, that any action against Iran -- or any other rogue regime -- is illegitimate unless given the UN stamp of approval. But the UN forfeited its legitimacy long ago. It gives tyrants and mass murders respectability, a platform and power. It is itself an enemy of justice and freedom, life and liberty. The fact that the west regards it as having moreauthority than individual western democracies rather than -- as it should be doing -- refusing to accept a single pronouncement by such a corrupted body, is why the free world is currently being so relentlessly trussed up by Iran in preparation for the butcher’s knife.The UNconscionable Power Of Iran
Claudia Rosett writes in Forbes magazineabout the astounding extent to which Iran has come to dominate the UN. As she says:
Saturday, 13 December 2008
By now, Iran is under U.N. sanctions, and in flagrant violation of five Security Council resolutions demanding that it stop enriching uranium. If anything, as a chronic abuser of the U.N. charter, Iran's despotic, terrorist-backing, nuclear-wannabe regime ought to qualify for expulsion from the 192-member U.N. At the very least, one might suppose that on U.N. premises, Iran would be something of a pariah.
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