Weekly Southern African Report
From Jan Lamprecht
Southern Africa in Crisis
Sunday, 14th December 2008From 1994-Present over 3,000 Farmers have been murdered in S.Africa.
Many thousands of their farm workers have also been murdered too.
Click here for Photos & Updates - WARNING: Very Graphic & GruesomeUSA: Is President Obama already being moderated? - Liberals voice concerns about Obama
Monday 08-Dec-2008: [Less than 2 weeks ago, I attended a talk by Carmi Gillon, the former boss of the Israeli Shin Bet. Shin Bet is the internal intelligence arm. It is the opposite of the MOSSAD. Gillon remarked as foll (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: 'Dead people are better off'
Tuesday 09-Dec-2008: [Exactly. This is the hell of hells created by Robert Mugabe. And Mugabe and his whole cabal must go. Jan] Johannesburg - "Dead people are better off. They don't need water or sadza (maize porridge (By Jan)...World - Somali Piracy Backed by International Network
Friday 12-Dec-2008: ...S.Africa: Who will COPE damage more? The ANC or the DA? Who is really behind COPE?
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: This is an issue I've been meaning to mention for quite a while, but I've been so exceptionally busy on all fronts I can barely move. A newspaper recently did an expose saying that former Presiden (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: Hey Carter & Condi, you good-for-nothing, useless sods, you're 8 years too LATE! - The Plan to Murder 6.5 million Black people
Monday 08-Dec-2008: [I get quite irritated when I see all these useless, good-for-nothing, prominent people, waking up from their comas that have lasted for the last 8 years. They are only now saying that which they shou (By Jan)...News - South Africa: Chat with COPE's Shilowa Part 2
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: 12:32 Teens Getting High On HIV Drugs In South Africa
Tuesday 09-Dec-2008: Submitted by Newsguy: Schoolchildren in South Africa are reportedly using anti-retroviral drugs intended for combating HIV/AIDS as a recreational drug for hallucinogenic and relaxing effects. HI (By JoAn)...South Africa: When Are They Going To Arrest The ANC?
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: ...News - South Africa: Chat with COPE's Shilowa Part 1
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: 12:00 S. Africa: 'Hate camp' claims 'rubbish'
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: Submitted by Grazy: Sounds more logical than the first reports and obviously some agree considering the many comments posted. I added them to this report as some of them brought up very good point (By JoAn)...[Audio] 7 podcasts of Jan Lamprecht and Jeff Nyquist
Monday 08-Dec-2008: [Dear friends. During the course of this year, Jan Lamprecht (webmaster of AfricanCrisis) and Jeff Nyquist (an Amercian geopolitical columnist of note) have conducted seven podcasts containing insight (By Gairk)...[Pic] [Humor] Hitler... now available in Black...
Friday 12-Dec-2008: This is another one of those brilliant motivational poster rip-offs. If you look carefully you'll see that Mugabe even has a teeny weeny moustache just like Hitler did. I've mentioned it before. Anywa (By Jan)...Mugabe must be toppled now: Put Zimbabwe's leader on trial - Archbishop of York
Monday 08-Dec-2008: In an extraordinary and passionate outburst, the Archbishop of York is calling for President Robert Mugabe to be toppled from power and face trial for crimes against humanity. Dr John Sentamu, writ (By Gairk)...S Africa:Frontline Fellowship - Christianity: Warfare and the Word
Monday 08-Dec-2008: WARFARE and the WORD “Now these are the nations which the Lord left, that He might test Israel by them, that is, all who have not known any of the wars in Canaan (this war only so that the generat (By JoAn)...Hilmar von Campe: Obama's Real Objectives Like Hitler, Nazis, Soviets
Saturday 13-Dec-2008: Here's an interesting book I have on my reading list titled (By Lone Wolf)...News - South Africa: A closer look at what Ginwala found
Tuesday 09-Dec-2008: By Gill Gifford & Karyn Maughan The Ginwala report detailing the inquiry into the fitness of advocate Vusi Pikoli to hold the office of the national director of public prosecutions, while finding P (By Jan)...S.Africa: Crime: I Report the Criminal Syndicates operating at my work... Now to catch some Criminal scum...
Monday 08-Dec-2008: A co-worker of mine came to me with an interesting story a couple of weeks ago about a "service" that was offered by a co-worker. This "service" struck us both as being illegal. Last week, I happen (By Jan)...South Africa: INCREDIBLE! Cope: We have 428,000 members that could swell to half a million
Tuesday 09-Dec-2008: [This is simply stunning. But I have said from the beginning that COPE could take 1/3rd of the ANC's support base. I can't remember what the ANC's membership is like now, but I'm sure its not all that (By Gairk)...S Africa: Winnie Mandela furious at elite school after grandchild's death
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: Submitted by Adriana Stuijt: Winnie, ex-wife of retired SA president Nelson Mandela claims that her granddaughter Kefuoe, 7, found drowned in her elite school 's pool on Dec 2, was 'the victim of s (By JoAn)...South African cholera does not come from Zimbabwe
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: Submitted by Adriana Stuijt: South African cholera does not come from Zimbabwe SEE STORY WITH HARD-HITTING VIDEO: (By JoAn)...Greek-inspired protests spread across Europe
Friday 12-Dec-2008: [So why is anarchism big in Europe? Don’t they want any authority at all? So they think what? They’ll lie in the sun all day long? Do they want to be like the blacks in Africa? Seems the white (By Gairk)...Greece Suffers under Wave of Asylum Seeker-Caused Violence
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: The media are not telling the truth about the riots taking place in Greece. If you want to know more read here. (Giuseppe) Greece Suffers under Wave of Asylum Seeker-Caused Violence December 7, 20 (By Giuseppe)...S Africa: Lists of all the murdered smallholders & Farmers 1994 - Oct 2008 - Over 3,000 dead
Monday 08-Dec-2008: Submitted by Adriana Stuijt: Jan I have compiled a list with links of all the murdered smallholders/farmers in South Africa from 1994 to October 2008, based on the records of (By JoAn)...Zimbabwe: MDC slams 'reckless' Mugabe
Friday 12-Dec-2008: Harare - Zimbabwe's opposition on Friday called President Robert Mugabe "careless and reckless" for claiming that a deadly cholera epidemic had ended even as the death toll continues to mount. Muga (By Gairk)...News - South Africa: Community up in arms to safeguard their area
Tuesday 09-Dec-2008: By Jacques Breytenbach It takes some effort getting into Warron Williams' off-road vehicle. You would not expect it any other way, being a vehicle used for patrols in a rural area. You have to p (By Jan)...Zimbabwe to be hit with more sanctions: Waiting on Harare
Monday 08-Dec-2008: Brussels - The European Union plans more sanctions on Zimbabwe next week unless there is progress in ending political deadlock before a meeting of the bloc's foreign ministers, EU diplomats said. The (By Gairk)...Do Ceasefires Prolong Wars in Africa? - Eeben Barlow
Monday 08-Dec-2008: War is an ugly, brutal and bloody business – as any soldier can testify. Despite the ugliness and destruction a war causes – along with the collateral damage - it does have a desirable outcome: it ult...News - South Africa: The original people's congress
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: By Norman Levy The idea of the Freedom Charter and the Congress of the People (COP), from which it emanated, had so much potential that it was already seen as of historic importance before either t (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: When you have nothing, use the Black Racist Defence - Only Racist Foreign governments are calling for Mugabe to resign
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: [From Mugabe's regime which is illegitimate and illegal. Gairk] [Agreed Gairk! This is actually just a load of hogwash from Mugabe's chief liar. They have run out of arguments for their position, (By Gairk)...[Zimbabwe] Robert Mugabe says there is no cholera in his country - United Nations warned deadly epidemic getting worse
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has said there is no cholera in his country - as the United Nations warned the deadly epidemic was getting worse. "I am happy we are being assisted by others and we (By Gairk)...News - South Africa: 'Labour recession hits SA'
Monday 08-Dec-2008: South Africa is already in a labour recession, according to a report released on Monday by trade union Solidarity. According to the report, unemployment could rise to 25 percent in the first quarte (By Jan)...News - South Africa: ANC's 'clumsiness destroying movement'
Friday 12-Dec-2008: The ANC's application for leave to appeal a court ruling that emerging party COPE can use the name Congress of the People was expected, COPE's deputy chairperson Mbhazima Shilowa said on Friday. Sp (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: Mugabe threatens early elections if unity government fails
Monday 08-Dec-2008: Harare – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe brandished the threat of fresh elections in a bid to force through a stalled power-sharing deal as the US called for him yesterday to quit. As a cholera epi (By Gairk)...News - South Africa: How SA's leaders undermine the crime fight
Saturday 13-Dec-2008: By Deon de Lange Most people would agree that, along with jobs and education, crime continues to present South Africa with its toughest challenge. Why then have successive presidents, ministers, (By Jan)...S.Africa: EXCELLENT: The ANC-breakaway COPE has its first election victory!!
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: [A friend sent me this note of the first by-election in which COPE participated. The results are really excellent. So now the question arises: Will the ANC cling to power illegally if it were to lo (By Jan)...Greek Communist Party Members Involved In Rioting In Greece; Affiliated With Another Far Left Coalition
Tuesday 09-Dec-2008: It's certainly no major reason why it seems Marxist radicals in Greece would riot over the death of a Greek teen at the hands of police. I have heard similar threats of America's local Marxist radica (By Lone Wolf)...News - South Africa: How to stop police torture
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: By Nobuntu Mbelle and Amanda Dissel On November 23 Tefo Kgame collapsed and died at the Diepkloof Police Station of "unnatural causes" after allegedly being beaten by the police. The day before (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai aide abducted
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: Dozens of Robert Mugabe's opponents have been abducted in Zimbabwe. The recent disappearance of at least 28 people, most of them activists with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), has (By Gairk)...News - South Africa: The silly season is upon us again
Saturday 13-Dec-2008: By Deon de Lange With potentially groundbreaking elections just months away, political parties are promising the moon and the stars to attract voters. However, despite its deep pockets, its domina (By Jan)...One Suspicious Article: American Spies, Investigating Israel's Nuke Arsenal; But Not Iran Or North Korea?
Friday 12-Dec-2008: Now this is indeed quite suspicous on what I stumbled upon as it seems that American spies from within the (By Lone Wolf)...News - South Africa: SA raises the volume to Mugabe
Sunday 14-Dec-2008: By Godfrey Marawanyika and Eleanor Momberg Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe is being pressured by South Africa to swear in his rival for power, Morgan Tsvangirai, as prime minister. Mugabe thr (By Jan)...News - Africa: Mugabe told to quit
Monday 08-Dec-2008: Harare - European leaders on Monday piled pressure on Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe to quit, saying he has ignored his people's suffering from a cholera epidemic and devastating food shortages. (By Jan)...News - Africa: Growing concern for missing activists
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: Harare - Rights groups, world leaders and Zimbabwe's opposition used International Human Rights Day on Wednesday to protest abuses by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's regime and, in the case of Ge (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: Mugabe 'Politicising the cholera crisis'
Monday 08-Dec-2008: Zimbabwe’s plea for international help to halt a cholera epidemic is the most serious official admission yet of how grave the crisis has become. The Health Minister, David Parirenyatwa, has called on (By Gairk)...[Global] Somali piracy backed by international network
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: MOGADISHU, Somalia – Ahmed Dahir Suleyman is cagey as he talks about the global network that funds and supports piracy off the coast of Somalia. "We have negotiators, translators and agents in many (By Gairk)...Greek Embassies In Moscow, Rome Bombed By Marxist Protesters; Other Greek Embassies, Consulates Targeted
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: Now it seems here that the protests in Greece are spreading throughout Europe which these rallies are mostly conducted by the local Marxist front groups and open Marxist parties. In Russia, it is sus (By Lone Wolf)...News - South Africa: By-elections to reflect taste for COPE
Monday 08-Dec-2008: This week's by-elections in 41 vacant wards in five provinces are shaping up as a litmus test for the new kid on the political block, the Congress of the People (COPE), which will be up against the AN (By Jan)...News - South Africa: CSI Miami doesn't happen in SA - De Lange
Sunday 14-Dec-2008: By Gaye Davis One of South Africa's best-kept - and possibly most shameful - secrets is that "probably 50 percent" of scenes of violent crimes are never visited by a specialist crime scene investig (By Jan)...News - South Africa: Let us see who is swimming naked
Sunday 14-Dec-2008: By Tony Leon Last week, en route to a speech at New York University, I chanced upon a mural in Greenwich Village. It depicted Barack Obama as a white man and John McCain as a black. Underneath this (By Jan)...News - Africa: AU rejects tougher action on Zim
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: The African Union on Tuesday rejected tougher action against Zimbabwe saying only dialogue could solve the deepening crisis, while US President George Bush joined calls for President Robert Mugabe to (By Jan)...News - World: Black Iraqis aim to follow Obama's footsteps
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: By Mohammed Abbas Basra - Barack Obama's election in the United States has already had an impact in Iraq, inspiring some black Iraqis to run in a forthcoming election in the hope of ending what the (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: SHOCK! Rift widens as the African Union stands by Robert Mugabe: AU & SA reject tougher action
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: [Here we go again... Somehow, South Africa and Zimbabwe once more successfully manage to regain some influence in the SADC and the AU. This is quite shocking. It shows you how Mugabe has been pushed b (By Gairk)...News - South Africa: COPE to annihilate ANC?
Friday 12-Dec-2008: Results from municipal ward by-elections around the country signal the start of the ruling ANC's "implosion", Democratic Alliance leader Helen Zille said on Friday. "After this week's by-elections, (By Jan)...News - South Africa: Act or get out the way, Africa told
Monday 08-Dec-2008: Former US president Jimmy Carter, former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan and children's and women's rights campaigner Graca Machel have urged Zimbabwe's politicians to end their power-sharing impasse (By Jan)...Greek Communist Party Members Hope To Make Gains; Consessions In Upcoming Elections After Week Long Riots
Sunday 14-Dec-2008: Hmm, it seems that members of the (By Lone Wolf)...News - Africa: Mugabe threatens new elections
Saturday 13-Dec-2008: Harare - Zimbabwe's ruling party said on Saturday that it could call new elections if the opposition fails to support a proposed constitutional amendment meant to pave the way for a unity government. (By Jan)...News - South Africa: Swine fever kills more than 700 pigs
Thursday 11-Dec-2008: By Karen Breytenbach The first outbreak of Classical or European swine fever, also known as hog cholera, here since 1918 has led to two pig farms and two informal settlements in the Hex River Valle (By Jan)...Health clinics overwhelmed by cholera cases in Zimbabwe
Wednesday 10-Dec-2008: The room suddenly fell silent. The local health official momentarily stopped his briefing of aid workers visiting the cholera treatment centre in Chitungwiza, a township 20 miles from Harare. Right ou (By Gairk)...
Monday, 15 December 2008
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Britannia Radio