Last week we learnt CPI inflation was 4.1pc during the year to November, down from 4.5pc the month before. No matter that's still more than double the Bank of England's 2pc target. Or that CPI – which has long underplayed true inflationary pressures – is anyway deeply discredited. Or that core inflation – minus fuel and food costs – actually rose last month. Forget all that. It doesn't matter. Because even though inflation remains sky-high, November's CPI number was presented as "evidence" that deflation is on its way. I think not. Just as in the US, deflationary fears are too convenient in my book – the perfect excuse for our politicians to throw off the shackles of restraint and print money in a desperate bid to buy votes. The UK's panicked political elite – like their American counterparts – have ditched economic orthodoxy. Our leaders are now making classic mistakes – pursuing policies befitting a banana republic, rather than a leading economic power. Having upended our monetary and fiscal regime, ministers won't be able to "spin" the currency markets. Sterling hit 95.5p against the euro last week – yet another record low. Parity against the single currency now looms. Sterling's fall is gathering pace. The week before last, the pound's effective (trade-weighted) exchange rate dropped 1.25pc. Last week, it lost 4pc in just three days. On that basis, the pound is now down almost 25pc over the last year. That's a steeper decline than during the 1976 crisis – when Labour's Denis Healey went cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund. It's also sharper than when sterling was forced out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992. Ministers maintain – sotto voce – that depreciation is good. "Black Wednesday", after all, unleashed years of strong UK growth. But that depreciation happened when the global economy was recovering – unlike today. And sterling still has a long way to drop. Thursday's public finance numbers were atrocious – showing that, even before the recession has really bitten, the UK borrowed a record £16bn during November. Annual borrowing of £150bn now looks likely over the next three years – piling more pressure on the pound. Seeing as our exports are now much weaker than during the early 1990s, the benefits of a weaker currency are anyway offset by more expensive imports. During November, import price inflation hit 10pc. Over the first quarter of next year, it could easily reach 15-20pc, as the pound falls further – yet another reason talk of deflation is rot.We'll trip over the skin of our banana republic policies
In the UK, too, our policymakers warn about deflation under every rock and just around every corner.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
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Britannia Radio