What an utter farce. If it were not so serious it would be hilarious. Pure Monty Python.
After the 14th year running in which theindependent Court of Auditors has refused to sign off the EUâ?Ts accounts, the Commission is now considering the abolition of the parliamentary committee responsible for scrutiny of the EUs accounts.
Not that it has achieved much over the years, stuffed full, as it is, of socialists, greens, lib-dims and federalists from the centre-right.
But a few of us have been able to make waves, call for explanations, ask questions and pressure the bureaucrats on behalf of British and other taxpayers - the primary victims of EU financial irregularities and downright fraud. Small in number we may be, but we make ourselves felt.
So what better than to abolish this pain-in-the-neck of a committee?
At best, some of the members and powers might survive as a sub-committee or working party, if present proposals are to be believed. But we all know what that will mean.
And if the present Budget Control Committee disappears into a sub-committee of the Budgets Committee, one of the key checks and balances required to ensure financial probity will disappear at the same time.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
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Britannia Radio