Tuesday, 23 December 2008

You can read the columns below and other columns at ChristianWorldviewNetwork.com

To read these stories look under our national and international news section at:

China's Alarming Arsenal
Hatred of Jews Flooding Internet after Madoff Scandal
Jimmy Carter proudly becomes Hamas advisor
Speech Codes 101
To cut costs, New Hampshire courts won't hold criminal or civil jury trials for a month. At least 19 other states have slashed court budgets and other
$1.6 billion went to bailed-out bank execs
Where'd the bailout money go? Shhhh, it's a secret
Check out our new websites at www.christianworldviewnetwork.com

To read these stories look under our national and international news section at:

Item #1

Brannon Howse: Guest:: Former U.S. Congressman Bob McEwen. Mr. McEwen is an expert on free market enterprise and a Biblical worldview. Listen as this former congressman explains what is happening to America, what he thinks about President Bush abandoning the free markets, the threat of massive inflation and his thoughts on a global currency. Listen as he explains how feds are repeating many of the same mistakes that led to the Depression. Click here to listen now.

Click here to register now for a Code Blue Rally in one of these cities. http://www.codebluerally.com/
Here are our January and February Rallies.

Gulf Port, Mississippi
January 10, 2009

Jackson, Mississippi
January 11, 2009

Houston, Texas
January 17, 2009

San Antonio, Texas
January 18, 2009

Huntsville, Alabama
January 24, 2009

Montgomery, Alabama
January 25, 2009

Little Rock, Arkansas
February 7, 2009

Jackson, Tennessee
February 8, 2009

Dallas, Texas
February 14, 2009

Ft. Worth, Texas
February 15, 2009

Texarkana, Texas
February 21, 2009

Rogers/Bentonville, Arkansas
February 22, 2009

Macon, Georgia
February 28, 2009

Item #2

Archbishop Warns That Governments Should Not Pursue Dogmatic Solutions to the Financial Crisis Like Nazis Did

As a member of the Worldview Weekend Situation Room, you have full access to our Worldview Weekend MP3 library. This library is filled with 153 Worldview Weekend keynote presentations. As a member you have access to hundreds of episodes of the daily radio program "Worldview Matters" with Brannon Howse. This program is 55 minutes of cutting edge radio that will help you understand the times. Very few authors and talk show hosts understand the times like Brannon or are willing to discuss the topics he tackles with his many guests. Brannon and his guests have discussed crucial economic, political, cultural and policy trends months and even years before they actually occurred. You also have access to articles, news articles and research not available on our other websites as well as a regular briefing report by Brannon Howse. The advantage you will gain from this program alone makes the Situation Room priceless at $59.95. A value of more than $1,500 if purchased on CD.
Worldview Weekend's Situation Room

Item #3

David Barton: More Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs! Guest: Dr. David Stevens, CMDA Click here to listen now.

Click here to order our new Worldview Weekend Digest special report.

Item #4

The History Of Christmas - Part I
By Chuck Missler

Give the Christmas Gift of A Biblical Worldview. We have gifts for all ages. http://www.worldviewweekend.com/secure/store/

Item #5

The gods of liberalism
By Matt Barber

Four Hard Cover Books for just $39.95

Christian Worldview For Students
Christian Worldview For Children
Building a Christian Worldview Verse by Verse
Christian Worldview For Students Vol. II

Four Book Set

Item #6

Jan Markell: Jan Markell has on cutting edge guests on a wide-range of topics to help you understand the times from a Biblical perspective.Click here to listen now.

Complete Worldview Weekend Library Only $149.00!
Normal Retail Price is $515.00
29 DVDs, 54 Presentations and 6 Books

Complete Worldview Weekend Library

Item #7

Another Great Depression? By Thomas Sowell

Date: Friday, April 17th 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, April 18th 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Restaurants are only steps from the meeting room

We suggest you fly or drive in on Thursday evening and return home Sunday morning.

Location: Memphis/Collierville, TN Courtyard Marriot

Cost: $299.00 (Includes institute workbook)
(Individuals are responsible for their own lodging, meals & travel)

If you are flying into town, fly into the Memphis National Airport. You don’t even need to rent a car if you don’t want to. Simply jump in a cab and come over to the Courtyard Marriot which is only 20 minutes from the airport. Once you are at the Courtyard Marriot, you will not need to leave again until Sunday morning when you take a cab back to the airport.

Your Instructor: Join us for two days of comprehensive worldview training from Brannon Howse who is one of America’s most well-known and respected worldview experts. As the author of more than eight books, the host of national, worldview radio and television program and the founder of Worldview Weekend, Brannon has personally spoken to hundreds of thousands of adults and students. Because of Brannon’s worldview expertise, he has been a guest on more than 800 radio and television programs including "The O'Reilly Factor" (Fox News); The News on MSNBC, "Truths That Transform" with Dr. D. James Kennedy; "and "The Michael Reagan Show”.

Click here to register now space is limited!

Item #8

Spiritual Drift
By Jim Elliff

29 DVDs, 54 presentations, free worksheets.
Normal retail price is $435.
Special price is $119!

You can print out a free worksheet to go with each DVD at http://www.worldviewweekend.com/dvdworksheets

Worldview Weekend DVD Library

Item #9

BIBLICAL CHRIST-HONORING RESTORATION...pastors who love the Lord, will visibly love the people God has called them to serve
By Steve Camp

7 DVDs, 14 presentations, 4 books and 14 free worksheets for each DVD.
Normal Retail Price: $158
Emergency Discount Price: $49.95
Code Blue Resource Library

Item #10

By the Light of the Silvery Moon –Ray Comfort
By Ray Comfort

Oprah’s New Spirituality, The Emergent Church and the Seduction of Christianity

Our Most Requested DVD Ever!

Best-selling author and talk show host Brannon Howse delivers a cutting-edge and culturally relevant presentation that experts are calling a “must see” for every Christian. Brannon reveals the way in which the pagan spirituality of Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Shirley MacLaine and others is very similar, and in some ways identical, to the worldview of Pastor Rob Bell, Pastor Rick Warren, Pastor Brian McLaren, Pastor Tony Campolo, Pastor Robert Schuller and others that make up the Emergent Church. Brannon answers such questions as: Are Christians to be involved in mysticism? Why is Cosmic Humanism (The New Age Spirituality) replacing Secular Humanism in popularity and what are the consequences? Why are nations, including America, becoming more religious? Did the Bible predict the rise of the New Spirituality and the Emergent Church and to what is it a prelude? What are the five main reasons for the rise of the New Spirituality?

Presentation two:
Confronting The Lies of the New Spirituality
How are the lies Satan told to Eve in the Garden of Eden being proclaimed in today’s world by pop-culture icons outside the church and pastors inside the church? With Biblical clarity Brannon reveals how the lies of pagan spirituality have been repackaged with Christian names by best-selling Christian authors. Brannon is not afraid to take on the sacred cows that make up the “new evangelicals” as he reveals the false teaching of Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Robert Schuller, Bill Hybels, Brian McLaren and others. Why is the Law of Attraction not Biblical? Why is self-love and the self-esteem movement not Biblical? Are we really all children of God? How has pantheism and radical environmentalism led to Christians pushing the lie of Global Warming? Brannon destroys the myth of Global Warming with scientific facts and Biblical truth. What is Contemplative Prayer, Christian yoga and walking the labyrinth and why are these occult practices being promoted in churches and at pastor’s conferences? How are Bible-minded Christians to respond to this new spirituality?
Brannon Howse