Thursday, 22 January 2009

Barack Hussein Obama and Friends - A History of Radicalism - Part 1 of 6

"Obama & Friends - A History Of Radicalism" a Hannity's America Special 

Barack Obama & Friends - Part 2

Sean Hannity of Fox News on the disturbing associations of Barack Obama.

Barack Obama Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 3

Barack Obama Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 4

Obama & Friends - A History Of Radicalism (Part 5 of 6)

Barack Obama Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 6

Sean Hannity of Haniity's America Special Report Entitled "Obama & Friends - A History Of Radicalism" Including Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, Muslim, and Saudi, Khalid Monsour, Community Organizer, Louis Farrakhan, Harvard, Bill Ayers, New York, Chicago, Kenwood, Hugo Chavez, Cuba, Fidel Castro, John Murtaugh, Larry Grathwohl, Bernardine Dohrn, FBI, Weathermen Bomb, Pastor, Reverend, Radical, Jeremiah Wright, James Cone, Black Liberation Theology, Marxist, Separatist, NAACP, Detroit, National Press Club, Otis Moss, Father Michael Pfeldger, Nation of Islam, Rashid Khalidi, Jewish, Irsrael, Palestinian Liberations Army, PLO, Terrorist, Columbia, Mahoud Ahmadenejad, West Bank, Woods Fund, Arab American Action Network, Hamas, Ahmed Yousef, Iran, Connections.  


Obama In Cuba?

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The Left in America has been taken over by the marxists. The radicals long ago gained control of the Democrat Party and now they have captured Congress, the White House, and a majority of State legislatures and governorships. The groundwork for this political takeover was laid by marxists who inserted themselves into positions of power in the universities, the schools, the entertainment industry, the news media, and the government.
The marxists have used the influence over our society in these positions to undermine, weaken, and erode the foundational institutions of our civilization. They have attacked the traditional family, turned the courts into a sick joke, brought our popular culture down into the gutter, used journalism to rig elections and push their agenda, and turned our schools into left wing indoctrination centers.
The marxists have indeed pursued many strategies for breaking down American society in order to build it back up as they see fit. But perhaps the two most effective of these have been 1) Attacking religious faith (especially Christianity) and 2) Using political correctness and speech codes to control our language.
G.K. Chesterton famously said, "When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing, they believe in anything". Our culture has become more and more secular, more and more atheistic, and more and more hostile to people of faith. Marxism is an expressly and fundamentally atheistic creed. But human beings have a built in need to believe in something greater than themselves. So liberalism, secular humanism, radical environmentalism, and marxism become their religion.
It has also been said that if you control people's language you control their thought. The marxists have succeeded in corrupting our language. Words no longer have meaning. Marxists change the language, they play with the meaning of words. Does the phrase "new speak" ring any bells? Liberal doesn't mean liberal anymore and now they're trying to drop liberal and move to progressive. And all this results in people getting confused and simply rejecting all labels. Talk to young people. They think calling someone a liberal or conservative is like using a racial epithet. That's why Obama's empty rhetoric works. For far too many Americans ALL the words are meaningless. It's ALL empty rhetoric. They don't care about the lyrics, they just want to hear the music. 
The election of Barack Hussein Obama was not political. It was cultural. This is the end result of years and years of dumbing down American education, feminizing boys, infantilizing adults, extending adolescence into the 30's, and putting a tremendous focus on entertainment and distractions above all else. We have gotten soft. We value style over substance. Our Presidential election is now American Idol: White House Edition.
Conservatism is now in the wilderness. We are the loyal opposition. We are the resistance. We will not go quietly into that good night. 
City: NYC 
Country: United States 