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When Yaakov Avenue blesses Dan, the sages tell us that through "Ruach HaKodesh", Yaakov saw Samson wreaking havoc upon the Philistines, and thought that he was the Messiah. Only after seeing Samson die did a disappointed Yaakov realize that Samson was not the Messiah, and thus he uttered the words in our parsha, "I waited for your salvation, Oh Lord".
Even for those not so well-versed in the Bible, Samson has become a household name. He is the stereotype of the 'mighty hero". Is this characterization a correct one, or a misconception of the masses? What gives Samson his superstar status, making him easily the most popular and widely know Judge? If it is for his brute physical strength, the sages surprise us by telling us that Samson was lame! Why would they say such a thing if not to remove from our minds the image of a macho-muscle-man.
Perhaps one might want to say that Samson fulfilled the definition of "hero" (gibor, in Hebrew) according to "Pirke Avot": "Who is a 'gibor'? He who conquers his evil inclination". Without delving too deep into Samson's deeds and motives with women, one can safely say that he was not exactly a symbol of the "Tzadeek" who overcame his "Yaizer" (evil inclination). The sages tell us clearly: "Samson went after his eyes, and thus his eyes were gouged out by the Philistines."
Must we then conclude that the popularity surrounding the figure of Samson today is due to the fact that somehow, his persona "caught on" more than other heroic figures in the Bible? Is Samson's popularity amongst the masses simply a product of media-hype? After all, Devora, Yiftach, Gideon and every other Judge certainly killed a lot more of the enemy than Samson did. Killing a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass is quite an accomplishment, but it hardly rates with the electrifying and decisive victories of the other Judges that ruled before him. In fact, when the Bible tells us that the "dead that he slew in his death were more than he slew in his life" - it is not meant as a compliment, but rather as a commentary that Samson did not put up the "big numbers" like the other Judges did.
And so again, is Samson, the darling of the masses, somehow overrated? Let us not jump to hasty conclusions! After all, we opened this article by saying that Yaakov Avenue himself saw Samson's potential to be the Messiah. In addition, in comparison to all the other Judges mentioned in the Book of Judges, Samson has by far the most space allotted to him. This brings us to another difficult question. During his lifetime, Samson was scorned by his own people to such an extent that we find no parallel to it with any other Judge. At one point, fellow Jews even turn him over to the Philistines. Since his support among the people is virtually non-existent, he is reduced to carrying out partisan-style attacks against the enemy instead of leading an army against them. Why should the Bible dedicate so many chapters and stories to a Judge who had absolutely no supporting cast? Why is HE a candidate for Messiah?
Despite all the above questions and doubts, it is clear that Samson is indeed someone very special. Even before his birth, an angel of G-d came to his parents and spoke of the birth of this extraordinary son, "for a Nazarite to G-d shall the boy be...and he will begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines."
The answer to the riddle of Samson's greatness lies in the supposed weakness of his not enjoying the support of his people. Even though he was betrayed by his own people, he continued to love them and fight on their behalf. His internal strength and his willingness to stand alone and fight "Chillul Hashem" (the desecration of G-d's Name) are why he is described as "beginning to save Israel". In the same way that Moses never turned his back on the Jewish People, despite their endless accusations against him, Samson remained firm in his faith and "Ahavat Yisrael". At the same time, the people disparaged him as irresponsible and violent, a hot-blooded lunatic who "makes things worse" by fermenting hatred against the Jews on the part of the Philistines. Samson paid no heed to them. For this he would eventually be recognized as the great leader he was.
And while it is true that he sinned, Samson physically sacrificed himself for the Jewish People. Even in his last moments where he stood weakened, blinded, and bound - what grieved him was not his personal suffering, but rather the tremendous desecration of G-d's Name that this was causing. When Yaakov saw all this; placing G-d's Honor over his own, putting his people's pain before his own - he understood that such a man is worthy of being the Messiah.
The Jewish Defence League of Canada successfully counter demonstrated against the pro Hamas marches in Toronto and it received International Media coverage.
The following is a report from CTV
And Canadian Jews gave the Jewish Defence League very positive coverage: |
Ottawa backs Israel despite protests
Thursday, 08 January 2009
![]() | Pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrators continued to turn out on the streets of the country's major urban centres over the weekend in response to Israel's new ground assault on Gaza, but the Harper government reiterated its support for the Jewish state's military operation. |
Pro-Israel demonstrators on Dec. 28 in downtown Toronto | |
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and elsewhere renewed calls for Israel to cease its |
Despite the protests, on Sunday, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon issued a statement regarding Canada's position on the conflict.
It expressed concern over the "increase in hostilities" and urged renewed diplomatic efforts to ensure a "sustainable and durable ceasefire, starting with the halting of all rocket attacks on Israel. Canada maintains that the rocket attacks are the cause of this crisis."
In Toronto, close to 1,000 protesters gathered in the downtown core and marched from Dundas Square to the front of the Israeli consulate on Bloor Street.
Both the CTVand the Toronto Star reported police presence at the demonstration, but no hostilities.
Though he couldn't confirm numbers, Meir Weinstein, the JDL's national director, said he believed his group was able to get somewhere between 250 and 300 people to Saturday's protest to show solidarity with Israel, and it organized an "emergency" meeting late Sunday to streamline his organization's response to growing pro-Palestinian activities in the city and to cobble together more volunteers for future protests.
"We had over 50 Israeli flags there and many more people not holding flags," he said. "We're looking for faster mobilization so we can have greater numbers at upcoming protests."
Asked whether the latest protests were different than initial ones his group attended last week, Weinstein said he'd noticed a more intense "anti-Jewish" sentiment among the pro-Palestinian contingent.
"We hear people chanting 'The ovens weren't big enough!' 'Death to Jews,' 'Slaughter the Jews,' and Israeli flags are being burned," he said, adding that the JDL advised its supporters "not to engage" directly with pro-Palestinian demonstrators.
Israel's backers should "just stand up for Israel. Wave your flag if you have one and support Israel to go all the way," Weinstein said.
University Professors and Employees, we are ready to say Israeli academics should not be on our campuses unless they explicitly condemn the university bombing and the assault on Gaza in general," said Sid Ryan, president of CUPE Ontario.
Location of Picket - CUPE Ontario Offices 305 Milner Avenue (Markham Road and Sheppard Avenue) - Time of Picket - 12:00 noon
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With Love of Israel,
Meir Weinstein National Director Jewish Defence League of Canada