Here's pause for thought. The government has created a little quango here in Northern Ireland with the Orwellian title of "The Consultative Group on the Past" and the bottom line is it suggests that government should cough up £12,000 to the families of all those killed during the Troubles - including members of paramilitary groups.The families of paramilitary victims, members of the security forces and civilians who were killed will all be entitled to the same amount. BBC journalist Mark Simpson, on the Ten News, has just given this story the usual BBC spin, managing to find a victim of IRA terrorism whose main anxiety was that 12k was not enough. Over on my own blog, A Tangled Web, where I have also overed this story, the daughter of a lady killed by the IRA at the cenotaph in Enniskillen on Remembrance Sunday has expressed her view, which resonates entirely with mine and I suggest the vast majority of decent people; this is an obscene suggestion and it is aiming at equating the killers with those they killed. But the rancid BBC is quite happy to present this grotesquerie as if it were really all quite reasonable. God they revolt me! Labels: pro terrorist Comments: 6 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # My goodness, I thought I was dreaming. Did anyone else catch Peston on the Ten News just now waxing forth on "the green shoots of recovery"? I loved his line that "since it started in America", then America is where it could all start recovering. Especially with King Obama now on the throne. Amazing - as we enter the darkness of depression, Peston is full on shilling for the Dear Leader!!!! Labels: robert peston, save gordon, save Labour Comments: 5 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance #Biased BBC Friday, January 23, 2009
Saturday, 24 January 2009
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Britannia Radio