The BBC is hyping up it's refusal to air the ad from the DEC appealing for cash for Hamastan, thus suggesting it is without bias. Mark Thompson was on to say that he believed showing this appeal could be taken as favouring one side over another. Quite right. Sky has also refused to show the DEC sppeal so BBC virtue in this regard is not unique! So what do we make of the BBC approach here? Superficially I welcome it but of course having endured three weeks of pro-Hamas propaganda dressed up as news reporting, I rather worry that what the BBC is actually doing here is a little bit of sophisticated triangulating, giving itself cover so that any future criticism of its coverage of matters in the Middle East is invalidated because of this move. Your view? Labels: bias Comments: 14 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Tuned into "Today" this morning and was immediately struck by the revolving door it provided to government apologists. We had the loathsome Denis McShane being interviewed about the Corus job losses. Naturally McShane used this bully pulpit to point out how bad things had been under the Conservatives, and Ken Clark! He also endlessly emphasised that this issue is global and nothing whatsoever to do with Mr Brown. No other political opinion was sought. Then, a few minutes later, we had the abomination that is Baroness Kennedy in the spotlight discussing those "newspaper allegations" that some Labour Peers are for sale. Kennedy was also allowed to wiggle on the line and allege that the problem here lies with the lobbyists! The Labour establishment plans to kick this into the long grass and you can sense the BBC is going with this line. Again, no contrary opinion was allowed. Herein lies the issue - these are all political matters but the BBC is very keen to allow just one side - Labour - to have its say on them. This skews the entire debate and presents the listening public with a very unbalanced view. Labels: pro Labour bias Comments: 5 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Sunday, January 25, 2009 Comments: 34 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # The Sunday Times has done us all a favour in exposing the rapacious Labour whores in the Lords who are prepared to accept fees of up to £120,000 a year to amend laws on behalf of business clients. However I was curious about how the BBC has chosen to treat this expose of NuLabour corruption. It appears there is "concern" but I was amused to see that the BBC's political correspondent Iain Watson felt able to suggest that whilst trying to influence Parliamentary legislation was outside the House of Lords code of conduct, peers not paid a salary can offer general advice to private firms as consultants. "That may be where there's a bit of a grey area, where people can quite honestly say 'I haven't broken any rules'," he said. Sure. Thing is I don't recall such generosity of spirit being extended to any Conservative found in such a "grey area". Then it was sleaze. Now it is quelle surprise! Labels: pro Labour bias Comments: 94 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance #Biased BBC Monday, January 26, 2009
Natalie #
Monday, 26 January 2009
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Britannia Radio