Managed to miss most of the first of the 2009 "Any Questions"programme and given that it had the loathsome Tony McNulty and the abomination that is Sarah Teather no bad thing. Alas I did catch Teather doing her party piece and getting viciously stuck into Israel. All that was missing was the violins as she spewed out her pro-Hamas talking points. I also heard McNulty having a go at Christians, so no real change there. However the bit that struck me most was the actual introduction to the programme. It came from Kingsmead School in Enfield. Dimblebore thrilled about how the school is proud of the "multicultural and inclusive ethos in a community of 87 ethnic groups" that make up this area. Sorry, is this a British school or not? Maybe "Any Questions" could one day find a school with "modern facilities" which is proud of it's British ethos? It's not just the panelists and the audience which the BBC stacks, it is even the choice of venue. Labels: any questions Comments: 48 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Just catching up with the news and I see that Rent-a-Mob have been out polluting the streets of our major cities, cheering on Hamas. Curious how the BBC has chosen to contradict police estimates of the numbers of protesters present in London (BBC say 50,000 but the Police say 12,000, go figure!) and then uses such weasel expressionsas "given the numbers of people the protest was peaceful." Hope the injured policemen realise that! I also notice the BBC ends it report with the statement that "Health officials in Gaza say more than 800 Palestinians have died. Israel says 13 Israelis have been killed." No Hamas terrorists killed so far , then? Not even one, apparently. Labels: pro-hamas Comments: 84 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Friday, January 09, 2009Biased BBC Saturday, January 10, 2009
Sunday, 11 January 2009
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Britannia Radio