Once again, my breath is taken away by the upfront admiration that most BBC reporters seem to be showing for Hamas. I just caught the dog-faced Lyse Doucet on BBC 24 News enquiring of Abu Bowen if many people will be surprised how plucky Hamas are still "fighting back"? Then there was the convenient conflation of Hamas terrorist deaths with civilian deaths - giving viewers the clear impression that ALL those killed in Gaza are innocent. (No mention of the Fatah assassinations carried out by Hamas in Gaza, memory hole) This is the same trick they used in 2006 during the Lebanon crisis. The BBC has morphed in the oast few days into the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation, wilfully spinning events to suit their Gazan soul-mates. Labels: pro Hamas Comments: 17 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Make sure that you tune in tomorrow night to BBC 4 where "in the first of a new series entitled "Science and Islam" physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali all being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science - there would be no modern mathematics or physics without algebra, no computers without algorithms and no chemistry without alkalis. For Baghdad-born Al-Khalili this is also a personal journey and on his travels he uncovers a diverse and outward-looking culture, fascinated by learning and obsessed with science". LOL - you couldn't make it up. Outward-looking culture. Labels: pro Islam Comments: 24 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Oh god, did anyone else see the BBC evening news presenting Prudence's latest fantasy about creating 100,000 new jobs as the Rooseveltism "New Deal" for Britain? As we go into 2009, it looks like the BBC is absolutely determined to present Brown as the economic saviour of the UK even as he goes about the business of ruining it. Labels: save gordon. Comments: 20 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I was reading Abu Bowen's latest insight into the Gaza conflict and I was struck by his admiration for Hezbollah. I've added a few comments of my own into his commentary As he puts it "Hamas fighters, (Aka Islamic terrorists...DV) who know Gaza better than the Israeli troops, have a belief in resistance and martyrdom. (Terrorism and homocide bombing...DV) Their objective will be to give the Israeli army the same humiliation (Humiliation, mmm, interesting unbiased choice of word..DV) that Hezbollah inflicted during 2006. For all their bravado,(Hiding behind women's skirts..DV) Hamas are unlikely to be as formidable as Hezbollah. (Less Iranian munitions..DV? The rocky, hilly terrain of south Lebanon was not good for Israel's armour. Gaza, on the other hand, is flat and sandy." Goodness, if it weren't for the terrain.... Labels: jeremy bowen, pro Hamas Comments: 63 (unread) - Biased BBC Home ed thomas #Biased BBC Sunday, January 04, 2009
Sunday, 4 January 2009
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Britannia Radio