"Can Israel do whatever it wants?" That's the headline on today's World Have Your Say, presented by the BBC. I haven't got time to go into all the buried assumptions and question-begging this choice of headline embodies. It's designed to draw forth either the answer "Yes - because the world will not stop these maniacs" or "No - the world must stop these maniacs". Labels: have your say, israel Comments: 24 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I am sure you will have read the BBC report of "just a few" rockets being launched from southern Lebanon into Israel overnight. (aka Iran opens the northern front). I invite you to compare the paucity of the BBC coverage of the impact these rockets have had on the Israeli population at the receiving enfdwith that here from Fox. I suppose there wasn't the room given the BBC need to further character assassinate Israel. Your views? Labels: anti-Israel, pro Hamas Comments: 113 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Labels: open thread Comments: 23 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I see the BBC reports that Gordon Brown and his "top team" are on tour in Liverpool today. It's as if it were a soccer tour! Given the daily collapses that now characterise the UK economy, and the consequentialhemorrhaging in jobs, I think the cheery tone of this report is a bit peculiar. Were this a Conservative government, I wonder would the BBC be quite so quick to breathlessly carry press releases so faithfully and without caveat or further comment? Labels: pro Labour bias Comments: 30 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # BBC reporter Paul Reynolds, he who is oft mentioned on this pages, has a new article here on what he calls "the language of Hamas." I think he makes some fair enough points re Hamas though I suggest to Paul that Hamas do not want a final settlement with Israel, they seek a final solution. Like Hitler. Your thoughts? Labels: hamasBiased BBC Thursday, January 08, 2009
Natalie #The trouble with those people is they think they can do whatever they want.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
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Britannia Radio