I very rarely watch BBC Breakfast TV but I have just been told about a gem that was on it this morning just after 8am. It appears we were treated to a short potted history of Gaza and the conclusion was that Hamas, after all, is democratically elected and all that Hamas really want to do is get on with building up the Gazan economy and making life better for the people of that area. The faux analogy with Northern Ireland was then employed with the suggestion that Israel should talk to the more"moderate" wing of Hamas, just like the British Government had engaged with the "moderate" Sinn Fein wing of the IRA. It's all so risible, so totally detached from reality, that it is almost beyond comment but the reality is that many millions of people will have tuned in and been exposed to this pro-Hamas propaganda. And THAT is the danger of the BBC; it is a willing propagandist tool for terrorism, in this instance shilling for Hamas, the IRA --- and for that, it deserves to be damned. Moving on to other matters Gazan, I see the BBC is relentlessly quoting"500 deaths" without any effort to tell us how many of those killed are Hamas terrorists and how many other were killed because of Hamas. Just one big bite-sized media friendly number, natch. I also noted that on the Today programme this morning, the BBC explained that because of Israel's refusal to let journalists into the conflict area, it had to rely on images provided by those residing in Gaza. (And they didn't mean the IDF) It stopped short, however, of making it clear that all images and data provided to the BBC are Hamas approved - so no possibility of any bias there then! Labels: pro Hamas Comments: 21 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Well another day on "Today" and another guest appearance by Vince Cable. I'm wondering how Vince has any time for his constituents given his numerous visits to the BBC? How they love to hear Lib-Dem words of wisdom, this time on the imagined great evil of "short-selling". Vince, as per required script, put the boot in on the "dangerous" short-sellers. I wonder if the BBC has lost George Osborne's telephone number as it would be nice to know what Her Majesty's Opposition thinks about this? Labels: pro Lib Dem, Vince Cable superstar Comments: 4 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Funny how the BBC keeps reporting that Gaza is "amongst the most densely populated places on Earth." They were at it again this morning. When one considers that the population density of the Palestinian disputed territories is below that of, say The Channel Islands, the Hamas apologists preferred retort is to single out just the Gaza strip and base their argument on its population density. Well it IS indeed quite densely populated but there are over a thousand areas within West Yorkshire, for example, which have much higher levels of population density, as indeed has the little Satan's Tel Aviv. So, in the interests of fairness, I wonder why BBC in these locations fail to preface ever report with this equally true demographic? Oh, that's right - it's about pushing the "Most Oppressed People in the Universe" narrative uber alles. It's not news anymore, it is propaganda. Labels: demographic bias, pro Hamas, pro Islam, pro muslim, pro palestinian Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC HomeBiased BBC Tuesday, January 06, 2009
David Vance #GAZA HISTORY 101
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
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Britannia Radio