Labels: question time Comments: 10 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I see that my old pal George Mitchell and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana are in the Middle East to help "bring peace." You can expect to see the BBC give the efforts of this pair of jokers a sympathetic hearing - they have always been kind to Senator Mitchell following his work in Northern Ireland. Now that Obama has recycled this Clintonian bagman him into this role I am certain that the BBC will use the Northern Ireland peace process as the preferred template for creating stability in this region. On News 24 last night I heard someone insist that Israel would "have to" talk to Hamas, just like the British government "had to" talk to the IRA. It's a completely misleading analogy but the BBC are wedded to it and you can be sure that Israel will be cast as the intransigent villains if they do not set down and enter dialogue with the genocidal Islamic savages in Hamas. The BBC coverage of the brutal murder of an Israeli soldier by Hamas should have re-assured everyone that BBC faux protestations about its' much vaunted "impartiality"on this issue are as shallow as they are insubstantial. Once again the narrative is that "both sides" have broken their cease-fires and so Hamas get a pass for their act of murderous aggression. Labels: anti-Israel, pro Hamas Comments: 99 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # In my book "Unionism Decayed", there is a section on how the UK government used the media, and the BBC in particular, to advance it's' own appeasement agenda at all costs. In particular, I point to how an accidentally leaked memo by a senior civil servant, Tom Kelly, made clear that certain high profile individuals had been identified as"champions" for the government view. One of the named individuals wasLord Eames - the same man who has co-authored the current proposals to pay the families of terrorists the same amount of money as their victims. The BBC is VERY sympathetic to Lord Eames, as you can readhere. Ever wonder where that manipulative Mr Kelly came from? That's right - the BBC. Ever wonder where he went to after the deal was done to institutionalise terrorism? That's right - Tony Blair's press office. It's a funny old world watching those from the BBC effortlessly melt into the heart of government propaganda. I guess their on the job training is very good? Labels: pro terrorist Comments: 37 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Ordinarily, I will tune in to Radio 4 "Today" or else check out the BBC main news portal as a means of assessing the presentation of news by the State broadcaster. But this morning, I am in London on business and I can only watch the TV news in my hotel room. So, for a change, I tuned in to the "Breakfast" programme on BBC1. It's an eye-opener because it too has a rampant bias which is ever so subtle and aimed at the wider audience watching at this time in the morning. In that regard one could argue it is all the more dangerous in terms of its' malign influence. The lead story was concerning how people are being aggressively pursued by debt collection agencies. And who did the BBC choose to interview about this? A lady, clad in full Niqab gear, who claimed she was the victim of identity confusion. The fact that we could not even see her face because she chose to wear Islamic garb seemed an irony lost on the BBC. Cut to fluffy dog story - and then we had a story about Lord Rumba of Rio's bail-out to the UK car industry, with an touching human interest interview with an ever so grateful car industry worker. Good ol' Mandy - he's providing much needed job security. Cue more feel good news about the octuplets. Then a story about rising child care costs in GB which are, thank goodness, being obviated at least in some areas by progressive local Councils and our wise government. It's the proverbial curate's egg, inane in some bits, toxic in others! Labels: BBC breakfast news, pro Labour bias, pro welfare Comments: 38 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Just like that, eh ? When there's a ceasefire and all. Norman Gerascompares the headlines on the latest Gaza trouble. Not that the BBC are the only ones with such a headline. Comments: 38 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Natalie # Did anyone see the latest BBC1 example, Hunter? (Sunday and last night 9pm). The plot was that a group of Pro-Lifers (natural BBC villains because they don't support sexual free-for-all)were so incensed that they decided to start killing children unless the BBC showed footage of a post-24 week abortion. It was license for some horrendous images of the Pro-Lifers abducting and injecting innocent children with various lethal drugs - sequences that were so graphic that they would not have been shown on terrestrial television a few years back. And of course to portray the villains as heartless, callous, evil scum. I have combed the internet to see if Pro-Life groups have ever done anything remotely like this. I found a few nastly examples of intimidation and violence in the US where staff of clinics have been targeted. But - tell me if I'm wrong - there's not one example anywhere in the world of a Pro-Lifer killing children, under any circumstances. So Hunter looks to me to have been an example of a BBC coterie sitting down somewhere and deciding how they could find new ways tovillify a group that the corporation hates. Any passing resemblance to something called reality was abandoned in favour of the political need. I personally do not support a lot of what Pro-Lifers want. But I do support their right to say and camapign for their goals - and not to be attacked in this wholly ridiculous way by the BBC. The other ludicrous element of the plot was that the Pro-Lifers believed that exposure on BBC news bulletins would change attitudes. Of course, that was yet another reflection of the puffed up self-importance of BBC types. They're clearly into recycling their rubbish. Labels: bizarro BeebBiased BBC Wednesday, January 28, 2009
David Vance # Just a reminder that we go live again here on Biased BBC tomorrow night and this time I will have another moderator to help me so let's make this the biggest and best liveblog yet. Here's the panel for tomorrow night!
Laban #BBC drama once led the world. Today, it is little more than political correctness and pantomime agitprop.
A commenter called Tom replied,I seem to remember the first of BBC's Spooks (or the first I ever saw) had a similar plot - pro-lifers as terrorists.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
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Britannia Radio