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Milwaukee OKs 'gay'-affirming school NEW!
Tuesday, 6th
Choice of Panetta to head CIA puzzles experts NEW!
Sea Ice Ends Year at Same Level as 1979
The dirty joke from Minnesota
Monday, 5th
Franken's Coup: Anatomy of a Vote Grab
Sunday, 4th
New Missouri law targets illegal immigrants
Prez-Elect Makes New Pitch, Promises on Job Creation -- Including 600,000 New Government Employees
Saturday, 3rd
Iranian Pro-Israel Newspaper Banned
Chrysler gets $4 billion U.S. government loan
Military Poll Finds Troops Wary About Obama
U.S. could be facing debt 'time bomb' this year
U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistance
Israel lets Palestinians flee Gaza
'Dozens of Hamas gunmen killed in clashes with IDF troops'
False Diagnosis of Deflation
Highest Gold Value Ever
Friday, 2nd
Hamas Rockets Put Israel's Nuclear Facility in Battle Zone
Ilana Mercer believes Bush deserves shoe tossing for not pardoning jailed border agents
Thursday, 1st
Gaza rockets put Israel’s nuclear plant in battle zone
Closings loom for big-name stores
Strike Kills Hamas Leader as Israel Demands Global Monitors for Truce
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Notice: Shows are free for 7 days. After the 7 day period, they are available in the Situation Room, or in the store for $5 each.
Brannon Howse: January 7 from January 07, 2009
Topic One: Will the antichrist be a Muslim? Topic Two: Political Hack to be new CIA Director? Why is this dangerous? Topic Three: Should the RNC pass a resolution that says that President Bush and republican leaders embraced socialism? Topic Four: Why Americans don't tell their children they can aspire to become the President a Governor or a member of the U.S. Congress. Topic Five: Why Americans should be very upset over a stolen election in the U.S.Senate race in Minnesota. What consequences will this have on all of us? Topic Six: Quote from Cicero of Rome sounds like America even though the quote is 2,000 years old. Topic Seven: Listen to quotes from the "experts" from 2007 and 2008 telling us how the economy is sound and the stock market is heading way up and the real-estate market has bottomed and banks are sound.
Brannon Howse: January 6 from January 06, 2009
Exclusive Interview! Topic: American Pastor now discipling former member of Hamas. Description: Joseph, as he is now called, is a former member of Hamas and his father is a founder of Hamas. Yet, Joseph, having converted from Islam to Christianity now lives in America. His story has made international news and was a one-hour special on Fox News Channel on January 3rd. During this one hour special the church Joseph attends was mentioned. Brannon tracked down the young, 29 year old pastor of this newly formed church that has been discipling Joseph. Listen to how Pastor Matt Smith met Joseph, how his little church has ministered to Joseph and is being an example to the world of what a New Testament church should look like. You will be incredibly encouraged by the vision, faith, conviction and courage of this former atheist turned pastor. Pastor Matt and his congregation are now proclaiming Truth to the world through their Christian witness. You will be thrilled with Matt's commitment to faithfully teach the Word of God verse by verse in a church-culture that wants to hear stories and be entertained. This young pastor pulls no punches and many of our listeners called in to express how encouraged they were through today's program and to know that God is raising up the next generation to lead His remnant.
Brannon Howse: January 5 from January 05, 2009
Topic One: Pro-Family leaders predict persecution is going to increase in America. One pro-family leader said it is time to prepare for persecution. How do we prepare for persecution? Topic Two: New laws are requiring professionals to deny their religious convictions to hold their job. Topic Three: New Special: Building A Biblical Worldview Verse, By Verse. Can a Christian shoot and kill in self-defense?
Brannon Howse: December 30 from January 04, 2009
Several men have been working for years to have the Southern Baptist Convention pass a resolution calling for Christians to pull their kids out of the public schools. Are Christians schools really the answer? How do most Christian school students score on a worldview test? Why can not every family home-school? Why would many churches never start a Christian school? Is not this goal of a mass exodus really putting the cart before the horse? Most evangelical church members can not pass a Biblical worldview test so how are we going to teach kids at a Christian school a Biblical worldview? Would not our energy be better invested trying to get parents to teach a Biblical worldview in their home and churches?
Brannon Howse: January 1 from January 02, 2009
Pastor Rick Warren says he is opposed to gay marriage but not gay partnerships. We take lots of your calls on this. Is this not like saying you are opposed to divorce but not adultery? What is a gay partnership and is it not a slippery slope? Why do same-sex marriages not go up in countries that legalize such?
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Wednesday, 7th
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Britannia Radio