Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Peak Oil News >> Consumption; Demand; Prices >> Britain's energy ...
By Paul Laudanski (mailto:admin@peakoil.com)
Last week, the Guardian revealed that United Kingdom government officials are now negotiating to soften the impact of EU directives affecting the operation of fossil fuel-fired power stations and their emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). This is enormously embarrassing ... Indeed, it suggests that government, or at least the civil service is beginning to appreciate the full impact of the regulations for the future of the UK's electricity supply. ...
Peak Oil News - http://www.peakoil.com/
European Commission » Internal Market » Investment Funds ...
This consultation will make an important contribution to European and international reflections, including in the G20, on whether current approaches to the regulation and supervision of hedge funds should be reassessed in light of the ...
The EU Single Market - Financial... - http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/rss/index_en.htm

FZL - Young Labour: Rent reform: standing up for cohabiting and ...
By Aaron Farrugia
In line with this proposed EU directive, the MGRM had submitted a list of proposals to all the political parties before the March elections, but the most important for them had been the regulation and legal protection of gay couples as ...
FZL - Young Labour - http://younglabour.blogspot.com/

EFGCP conference (part 5) « Clinical Research insights from CRfocus
Frank ended with a question: given the preponderance of EU legislation, do we need a Directive or Regulation to cover the management of misconduct in clinical research? From the floor, Mark Busye lamented the lack of accessible data on ...
Clinical Research insights from CRfocus - http://crfocus.wordpress.com/
Business Technology: Safety at Work or Effective Management
By To Read or not To Read
Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of H&S management, updated to cover all the latest UK and EU regulations and directives * Edited by two experienced and well-known H&S professionals, with contributions from leading experts in H&S ...
Business Technology - http://a-business-technology.blogspot.com/

Grahnlaw: EU external action: General provisions
By Grahnlaw
Consolidated Lisbon Treaty When we compare with the current TEC, the commendable reform is that Part Five External action by the Union brings together the European Union’s (Community pillar) international action under one roof for added ...
Grahnlaw - http://grahnlaw.blogspot.com/
A Guide to the European Union: A Profile of the EU
The EU was formally created in 1992 through the Maastricht Treaty. It is a economic and military coaltion of nations on the European continent.
Suite101: Politics & Society Articles - http://www.suite101.com/politicsandsociety/
Daniel1979 Blog: EU List Of Criminal Offences
By Daniel1979
This is another example people of the EU setting out its Federal boundaries and the extent of control over the citizens of the EU, boundaries that it now sets for itself under the impending Lisbon Constitutional Treaty. ...
Daniel1979 Blog - http://daniel1979blog.blogspot.com/
MEPs in bid to ease cross-border treatment rules | Policies ...
The move followed several rulings at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) between 1998 and 2005 that confirmed that the EU's founding treaty gives individuals the right to seek healthcare in other member states. ...
European Voice - RSS - News & analysis - http://www.europeanvoice.com/page/homepage/1.aspx

eu reform treaty

Czech lower house not to deal with EU treaty next week
Czech Happenings - Pragues,Czech Republic
Vlcek said he plans to interrupt the session because the relevant lower house committees have not agreed on their stances on the reform treaty. ...
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Political reform needed to restore faith in democracy
Irish Times - Dublin,Ireland
The Department of Foreign Affairs argues that the Lisbon Reform Treaty will “make the European Union function more effectively and democratically so that it ...
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Clinton: Energy security a major US foreign policy element
Oil & Gas Journal - Houston,TX,USA
Lugar said in a speech he delivered at a 2006 North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Riga, Latvia, that a country's halting gas exports in midwinter ...
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Bosnia`s Main Parties Back Decentralisation Plan
Javno.hr - Zagreb,Croatia
Efforts to revamp Bosnia's constitution, enshrined in the Dayton peace treaty that ended the bloodiest conflict in Europe since World War Two, ...
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