Monday, 5 January 2009

Brown Lines Up His Excuses

Iain Dale 5:10 PM

Late last year Alistair Darling said in the PBR that the recession would last eight months and that because we were "uniquely placed" we would emerge from the downturn in the last quarter of 2009. If that happens no doubt Gordon Brown will be the first to claim all the credit. Or maybe he will say the Upturn "started in America". Fat chance. 

However, even the Treasury is now admitting that the recession is going to last a lot longer than Darling predicted. Asked on TV whether the recession could last two years, Brown came out with this corker... 

"I think that depends on the level of international co-operation." 

Translation: Nothing to do with us 'guv. No Sirree. 

The man's hubris is incredible. He's already getting his excuses ready for the day he has to defend 3 million unemployed under a Labour government - A LABOUR government! The message is: blame it on the stinking foreigners who wouldn't give us their money and stole our jobs. Shameless.