Bush Opposed All Efforts to Secure Border
The news report notes that the rapid way in which new Border Patrol agents were recruited and hired resulted in criminals not being screened out of the vetting process. Obviously criminals would love to become Border Patrol agents! To be in the position to assist smugglers in moving drugs, illegal aliens including criminals, gang members and terrorists across our nation's borders could yield them huge "fees." It is clear that such criminals would......
by former INS agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
Secret Police? Obama Selects Dirty Trickster Panetta to Head the CIA
On Tuesday, former Clinton Administration adviser Dick Morris told Fox News Channel that President-elect Barack Obama's motive for his nomination of Leon Panetta to the important post of Director of Central Intelligence is to tear that agency apart. While many conservatives may concur with Morris' assessment, it is hoped that Panetta will be either turned away during his confirmation hearings or his name will be withdrawn altogether. Many political observers...
by NWV News
Money Trumps Love
On a February 28, 2008, appearance on Fox & Friends, I said that a woman meeting a man at a party will assess his value to her based purely on his profession: “If he says ‘I’m a doctor,’ she thinks, house in Malibu; if he says, ‘I’m a teacher,’ she thinks, Chevy Malibu.” Men encourage women to behave this way. For the most part, relationships begin, endure, and end over money because people don’t know........
by Marc Rudov
Calling All Civil Rights Activists
I am building a national network to ensure the survival of our civil right of self-defense. Our mission is to contact our congressional representatives at least once a month with a short fact-bite explaining why this civil right is so vital to the preservation of all other rights, as well as the survival of our nation as the international torch-bearer of Liberty........
by Howard Nemerov
Why is this Recession Serious?
The only way to save the U.S. now is to suck it up, remind ourselves who we are and what we stand for, and realize that this very serious economic downfall will most likely be in our face and pocket books for several years, bail outs or not! Why is this recession so serious? What is different with this one and the last several? Over the last several decades of recessions and......
by Laurie Roth
Saturday, 10 January 2009
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Britannia Radio