Tuesday, 6 January 2009

CIA Preparing To Install Military Government In Greece?
The increasingly violent riots in Greece could be the curtain raiser for a military coup d’etat and the installation of a new government more friendly to U.S. hegemony as a countermeasure to increasing Russian influence over the Balkan state.

• Remember that Britain’s SAS trained the Khmer Rouge
• Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the CIA and Eisenhower

Bank Of England Policymaker Predicts Unprecedented Dollar Collapse
A former member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has predicted a massive collapse of the dollar within the next two to five years, warning that a government increase in spending under President elect Obama could be disastrous.

• ‘Broken’ Billionaire Merckle Killed Self, Family Says
• How’s that $8 trillion bailout going?

“Global Cooling is really Global Warming”
On 2 January 2009, the Wall Street Journal wrote one of a series of articles apparently co-ordinated throughout the generally alarmist news media throughout the holiday season, trying to overcome the problem posed for “global warming” alarmists by the fact that global mean surface temperatures have been on a downtrend for eight straight years.

• CNN’s Dobbs on Global Warming Hysteria: ‘It’s Almost a Religion without Any Question’
• The warmaholics’ fantasy