Friday, 2 January 2009

eu reform treaty

Czechs take EU helm as economy, Mideast crises loom
Reuters - USA
Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek's minority center-right government has dragged its heels on the Lisbon reform treaty, a charter designed to streamline EU ...
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Czech Republic takes over EU presidency
The Associated Press
But the Czech Republic also faces concerns over the Lisbon Treaty, a blueprint for EU reform that supporters say is essential for the bloc to work ...
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Bulgaria Bulgaria 2008 Review: Bulgaria in EU: Bulgaria 2008 ...
The Lisbon Reform Treaty is the first of the founding and reform EU treaties that was signed by Bulgarian head of state and that was ratified by Bulgaria after its accession to the organization on January 1, 2007. ...
Sofia News Agency ( -
2008 In Review | Command the Raven
Irish voters blocked the new EU reform treaty - the treaty of Lisbon - shocking Europe’s leaders. The treaty was a repackaging of the failed EU constitution. Ireland is the only EU member whose constitution required a referendum on the ...
Command the Raven -
Czech Republic takes over EU presidency | World news | ...
Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg plans to lead an EU delegation to the Middle East this week or next. But the Czech Republic also faces concerns over the Lisbon Treaty, a blueprint for EU reform that supporters say is essential for ... World news -
Grahnlaw: EU Law: European research coordination
By Grahnlaw
The European research area is gradually taking shape on the ground and the excruciatingly slow process of treaty reform would incorporate some new elements at treaty level, if the EU Treaty of Lisbon enters into force. ...
Grahnlaw -
Czechs Make Gaza A Priority As They Take EU Helm - World - Javno
Topolanek's minority centre-right government has dragged its heels on the Lisbon reform treaty, a charter designed to streamline EU decision making. The Czechs are the only member not to have voted on the charter. ... (English) (English) -