European Union President To Speak at Global Warming Skeptics Conference 'Vaclav Klaus, the Czech Republic's opinionated president and current president of the European Union, will keynote a session of the second International Conference on Climate Change March 8-10 in New York. Klaus, who holds the EU presidency as it rotates among the 27 member nations, has been an outspoken and controversial skeptic about the causes and severity of global warming. He makes the case that policies being proposed to address global warming are not justified by current science and are, in fact, a dangerous threat to freedom and prosperity around the world.' High-Tech Marxism Comes To America 'Deep down, most Americans once thought they were immune from blatant propaganda, government-sanctioned media-bias and psychiatric hospitals-cum-prisons - hallmarks of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich and Josef Stalin's Communism. Such confidence is shifting as folks increasingly fear speaking their mind - on schools campuses, on the job, in houses of worship and public places. Worse, a metastasizing mental health industry has convinced government leaders that "nonprofessionals" - especially parents - are unqualified to make decisions on behalf of children.' Martin Narey: The Barnardos Chief Who Wants To Take Your Children Into Care 'Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Martin Narey said that social workers should remove more, not fewer, children from their natural parents. He admitted many professionals would regard his views as "heresy", and criticised the prevailing philosophy of social services departments which, he claimed, sought to keep families together wherever possible. Mr Narey also said that once the decision had been made to take a child away from their family, there should be greater use of residential care - formerly known as children's homes - as an alternative to placing challenging children with a succession of foster families. He said: "The emphasis is - too much in my view - on fixing families".' Martin Narey Is the Ex-head of the Prison Service and pimps himself out as an after dinner speaker
Sunday, 25 January 2009
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Britannia Radio