It was shocking to hear on Radio 4 at about 7:15am a Muslim woman called Fatima supposedly representing some 'moderate' Muslim organisation who basically said that the threat of Muslim radicalisation should force Britain to shift its foreign policy direction in the Middle East. This was followed by a poor rabbi in Paris speaking about the awful situation with attacks on Jews and their property. What shocks me most is that the BBC is prepared to recognise that these things are happening in European cities but not right here at home! They report on their website about a synagogue in Toulouse being fire-bombed, but what about the similar incident that happened this week in Brondesbury? [The attempted fire-bombing of a London synagogue]. From my own experience as an identifiably Orthodox Jew, since the beginning of the operation in Gaza I have had things shouted at me like ‘death to the Jews’, ‘Hamas should finish where Hitler left off’ along with the usual spitting and angry looks which I've become accustomed to. However, yesterday it went a bit further. I attended the demo in Kensington High Street. Walking back to Gloucester Rd tube as was suggested by the Community Security Trust and Metropolitan Police, there was visibly high security on the route. I saw two friends to the tube station and decided I would walk to a friend's house a mere 3 or 4 minute walk away since he had told me to stop by to say hello to him and his wife. As usual, I wasn't holding any kind of political symbol, flag, banner or placard and was just wearing my yarmulka. As I was about to ring on the doorbell I was set upon by two Asian youths (one wearing a keffiya and one wearing a badge with the Palestinian flag on his jacket) who punched me in the head, threw me to the ground and continued to kick and punch me in the head and other parts of my body until I managed to shout loud enough causing them to flee. I bashed on the door of my friend’s house, sat on the kitchen floor with blood coming out of my head and badly bruised elsewhere. Thank G-d, my injuries were not serious and the paramedics were happy for me to go and stay at a friend's house until the morning so someone would be able to keep an eye on me. As for my friend who is living with his wife and 10-month old baby, the police have suggested that they go away for a couple of days since there are lots of 'unknown' people in the area who could make the place unsafe. Anyhow... this is what it is like to be Jewish in Britain today. The BBC wants to portray that it is only places like France or Belgium that have problems with crazy Muslims attacking Jews. In classic BBC myopia, they can't see that London is no different. The picture above depicts the seminal battle of Khybar in 629 between the forces of Islam and the Jews who inhabited the area. The Jews were forced to surrender and thenceforth to give up to the Muslims half their produce and live as second class citizens. 'Khybar' is a battle cry for Islamists in their jihad against the Jews and the west. Go figure. The Experience This Week Of A London Jew
I wrote below about the frightening thuggery on display at the anti-Israel demonstrations in London. Here is what a reader tells me of his recent experiences as a British Jew, including what happened to him after attending the pro-Israel counter demonstration, and how he feels therefore about the way in which the Gaza conflict and its implications are being reported in Britain:Believe It
Those who refuse to believe that Hamas are using the population of Gaza as human shields/bomb fodder should watch this video. In it Hamas MP Fathi Hammad, on Al Aqsa TV in February last year, declares that ‘death has become an industry’;
...the women exceed at this, and so too do the mujahideen and the children. That’s why they have formed human shields of the women the children the elderly and the mujahideen in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine.
What people in the west find almost impossible to believe is that Hamas exult in and glorify the death of Palestinians as the highest form of spiritual attainment. The more Palestinians die, the greater they believe their achievement to be. That is why this man gloats that ‘death has become an industry’. This fact was noted recently by the Christian convert son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef, who told Ha’aretz:'You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews. They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death.’ Is that the justification for the suicide attacks? lsquo;More than that. An entire society sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists. In Palestinian culture a suicide terrorist becomes a hero, a martyr. Sheikhs tell their students about the “heroism of the shaheeds.”’
Then there is Hafez Al-Barghouti, editor of the Palestinian Authority daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, who two days attacked the use of civilians as human shields by Hamas:He also said that the release of videocassettes showing Hamas members digging secret tunnels beneath Gaza residents' homes permits Israel to excuse their strikes on the homes, and called on Hamas members to keep their distance from populated places, and to protect the lives of the citizens instead of using them.
What is also being almost totally obscured by the western media jihad against Israel is the murderous onslaught by Hamas against the Palestinians themselves. Here is another video apparently showing Hamas mowing down and murdering a Palestinian wedding party for no other reason than there was music and dancing at the wedding. The narrator asks repeatedly why, if Hamas murder their own people, they are so angry when the Israelis kill them in self-defence. There is no indication of who the narrator is – he describes himself merely as an Arab, but he is clearly a supporter of Israel – so you will need to draw your own conclusions. Such Arabs certainly exist, but for obvious reasons need to keep the lowest of profiles. Also obscured by the media jihad is the fact that Hamas are not parochial Palestinian terrorists but Islamists bent on global domination. On this MEMRI video, they say in terms that the wish to annihilate not just Israel but Europe and America and conquer the entire world for Islam. Hamas say they want to destroy Israel and kill every Jew. Now look here at how Israel’s soldiers treat Hamas terrorists who they pulled out of one of the tunnels dug to wage the Islamists’ unholy war.
And now consider the British media coverage again.
Friday, 9 January 2009
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Britannia Radio