Finally at 2.30 pm I have prised the two articles by Halligan and
Osborne from the Telegraph's site. They are not so far apart as to
be irreconcilable but the time is fast approaching when the Tories
should be getting a very good idea of the situation they will be
facing at a general election. So to find Osborne still using the
fatuous mantra of "slowing the growth of government spending" which
was fatuous when they invented it and has now become ludicrous.
If that is to pass for Conservative 'thinking' then heaven help Britain.
xxxxxxxxxx cs
1. Full nationalisation of British banks is not the answer
The unlikely combination of Jon Moulton and John McFall united last
week to call for the immediate wholesale nationalisation of Lloyds
Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).
By Mark Kleinman
"If it is to happen, the sooner the better. Let us get it over with -
nationalise the pair of them," the pair wrote in a newspaper article.
"With public sector backing, we can use these banks to restart the
flow of credit. And they could lend a lot, since the Government can
provide a better assurance of adequate capital than anyone else. This
would temper the recession in the short term."
It was an easy argument to make against the backdrop of the most
precipitous falls in banks' share prices on record. By the end of the
week, Barclays, Lloyds and RBS had done little to dispel the idea
sweeping the markets that full-scale state ownership will be
impossible to escape.
But those who suggest that the share price declines make an automatic
case for nationalisation have missed the point. Aside from the
(crucial) interests of ordinary shareholders, the share prices of
banks have become almost irrelevant. The banks are not in the same
kind of danger of collapse that they were in October.
Full public ownership of the major banks would be a disaster. Its
impact on the City would be incalculable, it would bring an
unacceptable element of political bias to the entire industry's
lending activities and it would destroy Britain's already-dwindling
reputation in one of its genuinely competitive industries.
The time to make a proper judgment will be when the details of the
Treasury's asset insurance scheme are published, not before. But it
seems safe to assume that full-scale nationalisation of the banking
sector would prolong, not reduce, the amount of time it takes the
country to recover from this crisis.
2. UK's deepest recession since 1980 needs David Cameron to step up
to the plate
The Conservatives seem to have had a good week. That old warhorse Ken
Clarke has returned to the fold.
By Liam Halligan
The Tory front bench now boasts someone who's not only widely known
and popular with the public, but with real experience in office -
having run the Treasury and Home Office, as well as the departments
of Health and Education.
With opinion polls giving David Cameron a double-digit lead, a return
to Tory government is now in the offing. As Clarke returned, even the
party's gun-slinging Eurosceptics held fire.
The Cameroons are being lauded for some canny positioning. But I
can't help feeling political parlour games are a thin response to the
economic problems we face.
The UK has now officially entered recession. Preliminary GDP data
shows the economy shrank 1.5pc during the last quarter of 2008. Along
with the 0.6pc fall in the previous three months, that amounts to
"two successive quarters of negative growth" - the "r-word" definition.
This is the first UK recession since 1991, but October to December
saw the worst quarterly downturn since 1980. As the credit crunch has
tightened, starving millions of essentially sound firms of working
capital, the impact of those toxic sub-prime loans has spread right
across our economy.
The UK's manufacturing sector - often written off, but still world-
class in places - contracted an eye-watering 4.6pc in the last
quarter. Even our much-vaunted services sector shrunk 1pc - not least
given the job cull in the City.
Gordon Brown's out-of-control public spending has already put the
pound under pressure. But these ghastly GDP figures sent sterling
tumbling to a 23-year dollar-terms low.
In not much more than a year, our currency has lost more than a third
of its value against both the greenback and the euro. Sterling is
also at a 37-year low against the yen.
On a trade-weighted basis, the pound has shed 27pc since the middle
of 2007. That's almost precisely what happened in the early 1930s,
when the UK was forced off the gold standard - marking the end of our
time as a truly global power.
Throughout this crisis, the Tories have clearly identified the
problems [So far so good but weak on the remedies -see Osborne below -
cs] . While he's taken some stick for doing so, Cameron is right to
highlight we could face a run on the pound.
The UK's current debt to GDP ratio is 54pc. Add in the cost of taking-
on the losses of some - or even all - of the UK's main clearing banks
and, along with other bail-out costs, that ratio could easily double.
Even before that happens, the Government needs to issue three times
more gilts in each of the next four years than it did during 2007.
Under those circumstances, a "gilts strike", and an outright sterling
collapse, is a very real danger.
After all, Britain is one of many slump-ridden, ailing Western
nations trying to sell vast numbers of Treasury bills on global
markets. Across the Middle East and Asia, foreign creditors - not
least the Chinese - are sick of losing money on Western government
debt. Such investors sold a record $24bn (£17.7bn) of US T-bills in
November - and December data will surely be worse.
Western governments have long relied on Eastern nations to finance
profligate spending. That reliance is about to be tested, possibly to
destruction. So, again, Cameron is correct to say Britain "runs the
risk", not to say ignominy, of a bail-out from the International
Monetary Fund.
But such criticisms are only "on" if they're backed up with clear,
concise, explanations of the Tories' proposed solutions. HM
Opposition is good at political point-scoring, but what would they
actually do?
The Cameroons put themselves forward as our next government, yet how
would they tackle the biggest economic crisis in a generation, and
the fact savings are at an all-time low? All we know is they (sort
of) opposed Brown's ill-judged VAT-cut and they'd deal with an
impending fiscal meltdown of historic - biblical - proportions by
"cutting government waste".
Warming to the themes floated in this column, the Tories are now
finally starting to accept the banking system needs to purged and the
sub-prime losses "fessed-up".
But, again, the shadow cabinet takes the easy option, criticising the
Government for "failing to come clean" about the true cost to
taxpayers of bailing-out our banks.
That's a valid issue, but how about the Tories showing some real
courage? Cameron should bite the bullet and publicly slate the all-
powerful banks themselves for continuing to systematically hide their
losses - a reality that means the crucial inter-bank market remains
frozen, blocking credit lines to firms and households and holding the
rest of the economy to ransom.
Mr Cameron, red cheeks and cigar smoke aren't enough. The UK is
crying out for real economic solutions - not just political stunts.
3. Some basic truths need addressing to help clear up this economic mess
As Britain officially faces its worst recession for a generation,
Gordon Brown is using what we might call the bankers' defence: "Don't
blame me, everyone was making the same mistakes."
By George Osborne
We heard it deployed again in his depressing radio interview on Friday.
"Britain is the innocent victim of a downturn that comes from
America," he intoned. "But thanks to me, we are well-placed to
weather the storms."
The problem with this answer is that it is quite simply incredible.
It provides no answer to the obvious question: so why is the
recession forecast to be worse in Britain than any other major
economy in the world, including the United States?
Look at the facts which are staring the international community and
the British public in the face. Our housing boom was bigger than
America's. Our households are more indebted, with the debts to income
standing at 170pc for the average British family compared to 136pc
for the average American family.
Our banks were allowed by our regulators to become more leveraged
too, with tangible assets 39 times tangible equity in British banks
compared to 17 times in US banks. Our government budget deficit was
greater entering this recession than any other advanced economy. And
our recent economic growth has been more reliant on banking than
almost anyone else, with nearly two thirds of all new jobs in Britain
over the last five years coming in financial services.
For the Prime Minister not to acknowledge these basic truths has an
impact not just on his credibility, but also - more worryingly - on
the credibility of British government policy. This is why Gordon
Brown's tongue-twisting efforts to blame everyone but himself are
making the recession worse. We need a Prime Minister who can honestly
address the mistakes of the past and the weaknesses of the present,
so people have confidence in his policies for the future.
The first priority when it comes to restoring confidence in
government policy must be on the banking front. Ever since November
the Conservatives have warned that the recapitalisation wasn't
working, that the terms were too expensive and that loan guarantees
were desperately needed to get credit flowing to businesses so jobs
were protected.
Our warnings were ignored and then finally accepted. But when Gordon
Brown eventually unveiled his second bank bail-out, it could not have
been more badly handled. Far from increasing confidence, it sent bank
shares tumbling and the pound sliding. Why? Because after a weekend
of leaks from the Treasury, what we got was a plethora of complex
Government initiatives and an insurance scheme without any detail. [-
still ! -cs] Markets hate uncertainty and lack of detail. In
addition, Downing Street was apparently unaware until it was too late
that the announcement would coincide with the news that the Royal
Bank of Scotland had made the largest loss in British corporate
history, which meant it looked more like a rescue package than a shot
in the arm. [The date of the RBS announcement had been known - even
to me - for ages and the coming horror of it for about 10 days! Were
they asleep? - cs]
And at the same time, and without even bothering to tell the
Chancellor until the last minute, the Financial Services Authority
decided to lift its ban on short selling. You could not have had a
more stark demonstration of the lack of coherence at the top of the
What we need is an audit of what the potential losses of the banks
might be, under different economic scenarios, so we have an idea of
what the public is being asked to insure. The banks need to have a
clearer idea of what the premium will be and how it will be paid. The
Government says all this will take weeks to work out, but the US
authorities were able to give Citigroup and Bank of America details
of their similar scheme over a weekend. Above all, we need some
confidence that the British Government has a longer term idea of
where it wants our banking system to end up. Otherwise everything
they do will inevitably look like a short term sticking plaster.
But it is not just banking and credit policy where confidence in
Government policy is lacking. The public and the international
community are increasingly alarmed at Britain's rising debt. Labour's
debt crisis has its origins in Gordon Brown's unfunded spending spree
in the boom years, when he so conspicuously failed to fix the roof
when the sun was shining. It has been made worse by the decision to
borrow further billions to fund the temporary VAT cut. [The £12bn
cost of the VAT cut has been a total waste of this vast sum -cs]
That is the fabled fiscal stimulus the Prime Minister has boasted of,
not some great programme of public works. Readers of this article can
judge for themselves whether a temporary VAT cut paid for by
permanent tax rises on working people has had a confidence boosting
effect. The near universal verdict from Britain's biggest retailers
is a resounding "no".
A far more sensible move would have been to remove the tax on savings
income for basic rate taxpayers, and increase pensioner tax
allowances, to help the millions whose incomes have been decimated by
cuts in interest rates. Conservatives would fund it by sensibly
slowing the growth of government spending [No NO NO - It MUST be
drastically cut -cs] and instilling a culture of financial
discipline in Whitehall. It comes alongside our proposals for public
service reform and an independent Office for Budget Responsibility,
so that we have a clear plan to get Britain living within its means
and deal with Labour's debt crisis. We understand that Britain cannot
borrow its way out of debt.
Confidence in Britain's economic future and confidence in British
government policy are two sides of the same coin. Both are lacking.
Both need to be urgently restored. Without them the recession will be
deep and the recovery delayed.
The question is whether a Labour Prime Minister who denies there is
even a problem can ever be part of the answer.
George Osborne is MP for Tatton and Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
ECONOMIC 'Shorts' 23.1.09
=GKN to offer 'token dividend' as it slashes workforce by thousands
=Fall in sterling may avert UK depression
The devaluation of the pound over the past year has given Britain its
best chance of avoiding a depression, experts have said. BUT ---
=Weak economies tempted to quit the euro face a fate worse that the
current squeeze - - - - -
Although that would give a fillip to exporters, the value of its
debts when translated into the new devalued currency would soar.
Governments, private-sector borrowers and banks would find "hard
currency" debts virtually impossible to service. The end result would
probably be bankruptcy - a fate far worse than the current squeeze.
Politicians driven can, of course, make errors. But pulling out of
the euro would be so crass the even populist politicians will surely
avoid it.
=The government to probe bank auditors
The government was under pressure last night to investigate the role
of auditors in the collapse of British banks
=Corus to axe 3,500 jobs as crash hits steelmakers
The cuts are likely to overshadow this week's announcement by Lord
Mandelson of aid for the car industry
=Severn Barrage plans revealed
Ed Miliband will unveil five proposals tomorrow for the tidal scheme
that could become the country's biggest source of renewable energy
=Britain is not Iceland. Is EU the next Japan?
If there was a currency I would be worried about at the moment,
however, it would be the euro (David Smith)
=Recovery 'to take years' - Clarke
The UK's economic recovery is likely to take several years, shadow
business secretary Ken Clarke has said.