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Self-Inflicted Ignorance Is Suicide
The Freeman Center Is A Defense Against Ignorance
Dear friends,
This is very scary material - please watch the videos and disseminate this information. There is a LOT of work to do. Perhaps we have to start with our reps in Congress. I'm not sure. It's already late in the game. All concrete suggestions are very welcome.
Helen - ghfree@aol.com
From: <nragen@netvision.net.il> Dear Friends of America and the Constitution, I received this from Tom Trento today. It is almost unbelievable, and very unsettling to me. Follow his links to watch the 9 minute video that he took. Like Tom says at the end, "we have a lot of work to do in 2009". YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS! YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS ! CLICK HERE TO BE REALLY FRIGHTENED....
Date: Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 11:19 AM
Subject: Iin Fort Lauderdale Florida
I am getting many shocked and horrified e-mails concerning the vicious anti-Semitic and anti-Israel demonstration that took place in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida on December 30, in the heart of Jewish Broward County.
The "nuke Israel" signs, and the anti-American signs, the chants of "Go to Hell" aimed at the small group of Jewish counter-demonstrators waving
Israeli flags, was certainly not surprising to anyone aware of the Jihadist elements that have infiltrated America and are now growing like a malignant
tumor in all her towns and cities and colleges.
In the last election, Jews preferred to ignore that. The majority of Jews in Florida voted for the same candidates as did the Jihadists. I couldn't understand it then. I don't understand it now. One of these groups is going to be very disappointed.
I'm sorry that this has all come as a big surprise to the Jews of Florida. It shouldn't be.
People tell me that they can never open my links. I'm sending this anyway. Cut and paste this address into your browser to see a video of what happened in Jewish Florida. Or you can just google it. Let us hope that the next
pro-Israel demonstration will face their enemies with larger numbers, and American Jews will wake up from their numbed sleep and take back their
country and their pride.
From: ACT! Space Coast Florida <actspacecoast@gmail.com>
To: actspacecoast@gmail.com
Sent: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 5:33 pm
Subject: Pro-Hamas Demonstration - Fort Lauderdale
And PLEASE FORWARD this to everyone you know! Thanks ~~~ TR
On Tuesday=2 0December 30, 2008 - I took the Concorde jet to Pakistan and videotaped a Pro-Hamas demonstration in downtown Karachi ... except, I did not take the Concorde and did not go to Pakistan...but I did tape a Pro-Hamas Demonstration...in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.