Tuesday, 6 January 2009

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Any attempt by the U.S, Europe or the UN to limit Israeli military freedom of action should be prevented!
by David Basch
January 5, 2009

According to the Geneva Conventions, a fighting force that hides
behind civilians bears the responsibility of hurting civilians, not
the other side's combatants. Yet, Max Boot, a senior fellow on the
Council of Foreign Relations, never brought that point home in his
long article in the Wall Street Journal this morning (1.5/09). It is
an important point of fact not to neglect since it would do much to
bolster Israel's belief in her righteous self-defense against those
who want to destroy her. Israel needs every such edge it has.

The Six Day War provides a good precedent for how Israel must proceed
in her present condition of embattlement. The 67 response was quick
and decisive. And though even Israel's supporters had put pressure on
Israel to remain passive and accept the enemy dictates, Israel
unilaterally took the action she had to and ended up leaving at the
doorstep of the world a victorious fait accompli. For a long time, no
one argued with Israel's success -- a good lesson to learn from.

Max Boot (and maybe Israel's leftist government) is satisfied with the
current stalemate in Gaza that Boot describes. In this, Israel ties
her own hands and lets the enemy escape to rocket Israeli cities
another day. However, given the implacability of the enemy and its
mono-maniacal desire to destroy Israel, the situation of stalemate and
quagmire will inevitably lead to the withering of Israel's southern
cities and, ultimately, to Israel's collapse and destruction. That
condition of quagmire is hardly a condition for a proud nation to
settle for.

Certainly, Mr. Boot, the US would not allow that for a single instant
coming from Mexico.

The fallacy indulged in by Boot in his analysis of Israel's Gaza
situation is that, were Israel to enter Gaza with her forces, she has
no clear exit strategy -- a perhaps "unavoidable" situation, declares
Boot. But Boot is wrong. He (and no doubt Israel's incompetent leftist
government) in this case wallows in a nine-dot-puzzle dilemma. This
is a puzzle in which the puzzle cannot be solved if those who try to
do so stick to the narrow confines of the puzzle's square box.

Somehow these guys believe that -- come heaven or high water, come
Israel's destruction or not -- Israel must guarantee the Gaza enemies
full possession of the territory they are using to rocket Israel.
Even Israel does not have such an ironclad guarantee for any of her
own lands and existence. (What is ironic is that the Gaza territory
was set aside for a Jewish homeland under the Mandate of Palestine,
but Israel had turned over to the Arabs for peace.)

The situation seen with clarity, if an enemy persists in shooting at
your head, then no one -- but one with a mental level of a Stan Laurel
of Laurel and Hardy fame -- would ask whether you should, if you could,
wrest the gun from the shooter. Nicole Simpson would not have made
that mistake with OJ if she had had the strength.

In that context, the outlines of Israel's response in Gaza is clear.
It points to quick, decisive action. One part of this is to cut off
the tail of Gaza next to Egypt, creating a ten to twenty mile corridor
north-south along Egypt cleared of Arab residents (quibble over its
extent if you must). This would prevent the continuing weaponry and
fighters supplied to the Gazan enemies from Iran and other Arab nations.
That traffic, through tunnels or overland, would be permanently cut.
Its control should stay in Israel's hands only -- the only party with
the motivation to maintain the cutoff.

Thus, Israel would declare her intention to carve out this corridor as
a vital military zone and would command all Arab civilians to depart
or face the consequences of an air bombardment to commence the next
day. The bombardment,commenced, should then progressively extend
to blanket the entire zone. This would be followed by Israeli forces taking
permanent possession of this strategic zone. The moral here is
that, when a nation is militarily attacked, it is the belligerent that
places on the chopping block the lands it has used for aggression, to
be liable to being taken possession of by the victim in pursuing its
self defense.

The liberated corridor can then also be used, if necessary, to project
power northward into the remaining portion of Gaza. What is more, this
foothold should be widened northward, cleansed of Arabs, in response
to subsequent attempts by the enemy to inflict harm on Israeli forces.
The progressive loss by the Arabs of their hold on land to prosecute
their attacks will be a painful message to this vile enemy, who will
sue for peace, the way they did when Shamir and later Rabin came to
power. (This time the peace should not be squandered as the leftists
did then by insane Israeli surrenders, who trusted without

From that time on in Gaza, only one-way traffic of civilians outside
to Egypt will be allowed, although heavily monitored relief caravans
could be permitted coming through the Egyptian border. The Arabs who
elected Hamas to destroy Israel will be made to suffer the
consequences of their choice. Were the world really interested in
peace, they would allow this Arab community to emigrate to
outside lands and no longer serve as pawns in the Arab war
against the existence of Israel.

Sure, in this action there will be Arab civilian casualties. But when
Arab fighters hide behind their civilians, this becomes the Arab
responsibility and is nothing that Israel ought to apologize for, any
more than Nicole Simpson should say I am sorry to OJ were she to have
inflicted a cut on that murderer.

If these actions are taken massively and quickly, the better the
results will be for Israel's survival. The supporters of the Arab savages
who clamor to save their terrorist fighters must be presented with an
Israeli victory as a fait accompli, after which Israel should agree to talk
to the negotiators to their heart's content.